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McCaw School of Mines Vocabulary

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1 McCaw School of Mines Vocabulary
What Kitty Ward’s 4th Graders need to know…

2 Ask yourself… …would you ever enter an abandoned mine? Why or why not? Discuss with a partner.

3 Vein Like the veins in our bodies that carry blood, veins are a mineral with a boundary that separates it from the rock around it.

4 Outcropping An outcropping is when the vein is sticking out on the side of a mountain.

5 Headframe A headframe is a wooden structure above the shaft opening of a mine.

6 Ore Ore is the rock in which valuable minerals are found.

7 Tunnel/Adit An Adit or Tunnel is a horizontal opening into a mountain so you can get the ore out (also know called a drift).

8 Face The Face is the end of the tunnel where the workers are blasting to make the tunnel longer.

9 Shaft A shaft is a vertical entrance into the mine.

10 Open Pit An Open Pit is a large hole open to the surface to expose
ore, so it can be remove without going underground.

11 Mucking Mucking is removing the ore that has been blasted from the face. The man who does this work is called a mucker.

12 Placer Mining Placer Mining is using a pan, water, and gravity to separate gold from the lighter sand and rock.

13 Drill A drill in mining is a machine for digging down into the earth to get minerals out and put explosives in.

14 Blast Blasting is setting off an explosion to loosen up the ground for mining.

15 Now Let’s Watch the Required 7.32 minute Video For Our Field Trip…

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