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ArcGIS Pro files Sooo many file types…..

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Presentation on theme: "ArcGIS Pro files Sooo many file types….."— Presentation transcript:

1 ArcGIS Pro files Sooo many file types….

2 But First Be organized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put all your work and data within a single folder. Don’t have them scattered about multiple drives and online.

3 Basic data types Went over raster and vector data

4 How to copy/past/move files
If using ArcGIS Pro – use the catalog pane If using ArcGIS Desktop – use ArcCatalog. Seriously, just use these. Many GIS “files” are actually multiple files and sometimes multiple folders. Using the arc tools above will ensure you get everything you need.

5 Project files These contain ZERO data or layers. None. Zip. Nada. What they are is a collection of commands to draw different things in different ways. They do include “cartographic stuff” – lines, polygons, text, N arrow, etc. Always keep them with your data. In ArcGIS Pro – this is the .APRX file In ArcGIS Desktop – this is the .MXD file

6 Data Files - ESRI Personal and File Geodatabases. (Use file whenever possible, they seem to be the most robust type). Multiple files in one folder Shapefiles – multiple files Coverages – multiple files in multiple folders. .e00 files – export format (like a zip, but exclusive to coverages)

7 Raster imagery? Raster data can be found within geodatabases or as coverages Also, jpg, tif, img. Know the difference between these. And pdf. (yes, there is such a thing as a geopdf)

8 For a more complete list…
items.htm#ESRI_SECTION1_8EB222D44C584130BA7836C3763B8B0F dataset-file-formats.htm

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