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Ready player one ch. 29 Mrs. Bly Eng 4.

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1 Ready player one ch. 29 Mrs. Bly Eng 4

2 Ch. 29 SQs 1. Explain Wade’s new job and the conditions of his indenturement. 2. What happened to most people who became indentured and how did they feel about it? 3. List two items Wade must wear to prevent his escape. 4. What must Wade do in order to earn access to the Vintage Movies library? 5. What is the real reason Wade has taken this huge risk?

3 indenturement Wade is indentured until his fake name Bryce Lynch
Wade goes through a series of checkpoints where he is searched, bathed, and tested. “I had been ‘awarded’ the position of OASIS Technical Support Representative II. I would be paid $28,500 a year, minus the cost of my housing, meals, taxes, medical, dental, optical, and recreation services, all of which would be deducted automatically from my pay. My remaining income (if there was any) would be applied to my outstanding debt to the company” (278). “Once my debt was paid in full, I would be released from indenturement” (278)

4 Most people who are indentured…
“This was a completed joke, of course. Indents were never able to pay off their debt and earn their release. Once they got finished slapping you with pay deductions, late fees, and interest penalities, you would up owing them more each month, instead of less… “….Once you made the mistake of getting yourself indentured, you would probably remain indentured for life…. “A lot of people didn’t seem to mind this, though. They thought of it as job security. It also meant they weren’t going to starve or freeze to death in the street” (278).

5 Two items: 1. “Finally, I reached the last station, where a machine fitted me with a security anklet –a padded metal band that locked around my ankle, just above the joint. According to the training film, this device monitored my physical location and also granted or denied my access to different areas of the IOI office complex” (279). 2. “After the anklet was on, another machine clamped a small electronic device onto my right earlobe, piercing it in two locations….the eargear contained a tiny complink that allowed the main IOI Human Resources computer to make announcements and issue commands directly into my ear. It also contained a tiny forward- looking camera that let IOI supervisors see whatever was directly in front of me” (280).

6 Vintage Movies library
“When I tried to access one of the other entertainment libraries, Vintage Movies, the system informed me that I wouldn’t be granted access to a wider selection of entertainment options until I had received an above-average rating in three consecutive employee performance reviews” (281).

7 Why did wade take this huge risk of getting himself indentured to ioi???
“Despite my best efforts, my thoughts drifted to Art3mis. Regardless of what I’d been telling myself, I knew she was the real reason I’d gone through with this lunatic plan. What the hell was wrong with me? There was a good chance I might never escape from this place” (282).

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