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Gel Electrophoresis & DNA Fingerprinting

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1 Gel Electrophoresis & DNA Fingerprinting
Essential Question: How is DNA fingerprinting used to establish genetic relatedness?

2 DNA Fingerprinting DNA fingerprinting technique is used to identify individuals. Also called DNA profiling. Gel Electrophoresis is the name of the process used to develop a DNA fingerprint


4 DNA Fingerprinting These gels are called "DNA fingerprints" because they are unique to every person--except identical twins Parents and offspring have similar DNA profiles but not completely the same. Blood relatives will have a higher degree of similarity of DNA profiles than any random individuals.

5 DNA Fingerprinting Practical Applications: Paternity Testing
Children get half of their DNA from their mothers & half of their DNA from their fathers.

6 Is Male 1 or Male 2 the father of this child?

7 Which “Dad” is the father?

8 DNA Fingerprinting Practical Applications : Forensics (crime analysis)
Profiles can be prepared from small amounts of blood, semen, hair, or skin cells Suspect whose profile matches the evidence is most likely the culprit

9 Which suspect committed the crime?

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