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ICE Customer Surveys and CRM Status
2nd Quarter Mr. John Cain, J-4 Customer Support June 05, 2018 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
ICE Surveys 2nd Qtr Roll-Up
Satisfaction Goal is 90% Response Rate Goal is 16% RESPONSE RATES JAN FEB MAR 2nd Qtr TOTALS Business Area Sent Resp RTD/LESO 433 121 309 166 432 44 1174 331 Transportation / Turn-in 456 25 506 52 487 63 1449 140 Hazardous Waste (HW) 04 65 8 35 18 163 30 General Comment Cards 29 27 60 TOTALS: 952 150 880 226 954 125 2786 501 Overall Resp Rate 16% 26% 13% 18% Q2 Satisfaction SATISFACTION 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% Business Area JAN FEB MAR 2nd Qtr RTD / LESO 90% 95% 93% Turn-in / Transportation 91% 88% Hazardous Waste (HW) 100% 86% 72% General Comment Cards 96% 85% 90% Our monthly (briefed quarterly) surveys solicit responses from three specific targeted Business Areas; RTD/LESO, Transportation/Turn-in, and HW. General Comment cards are unsolicited random customer initiated surveys therefor we do not include the unsolicited General Comment cards in our response rate calculations because it would artificially increase our Response Rate and Confidence Level, however, we do include the General Comment Cards in our Customer Satisfaction metric. 2nd Qtr FY-18 Survey Confidence Level is 95% with a margin of error of + / - 3% HW yellow trends Poor customer service: Documentation/Time lines: Q2 Response 18% FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Standard ICE Questions 2nd Quarter Results
2.74-0 Rate scale of: Excellent (5.0)/Good (4.0)/Okay (3.0) /Poor (2.0)/Awful (1.0) REUT /LESO TRANS/TURN-IN HW Disp Question Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Facility Appearance 4.62 4.48 4.42 4.31 4.57 Employee Staff/Attitude 4.72 4.54 4.61 4.45 4.65 4.32 Timeliness of Service 4.60 4.38 4.41 4.26 4.27 4.19 Hours of Service 4.49 4.39 4.33 9 4.53 Did the product or service meet your needs? 95% 93% 92% 91% 82% Overall Satisfied 96% 90% 86% HW Yellow – Sample comment: Paperwork initiated from DLA to trucking company was not accurate. I handled multiple calls giving trucking company you address and what was in my shipment. Trucker could not fit my pallets on the truck either. Its been over one 1 month and I cannot get my dtid docs in edocs. Today I was told to all my doc #'s to a Representative. I would think you all should have the ability to see this. 69%-0% 89%-70% 100-90% FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Standard ICE Questions 2nd Quarter Results
REUT / LESO TRANS / TURN-IN HW Disp Question Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 G3: In your latest interaction with DLA Disp Svcs – did you feel valued as a customer? 95% 91% 94% 88% 96% 82% G3a: If no, please select from the drop down where we can most improve Ease of doing Business 20% 29% 25% 40% 0% 33% Competency in resolving problems 13% 11% 5% Responsiveness (timely in getting back to you) 53% 17% Consistency in stating procedures 14% Nothing listed above (please provide details in comments) 22% 50% 15% Results are for ALL Business Areas Trans/Turn-In G3 Example Comment/s: I submitted ETIDS docs shortly after JAN Originally truck had been scheduled for March 22 and then rescheduled for February 22. Neither date is/was acceptable. I do not have storage for a full semi load of garbage in my warehouse. There is no reason a truck should not have been available within 3 week. HW Example Comment/s: G3a Documents are not processed in the required timelines. They do not review documents from the contractor and only forward the s. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Customer Categorization and RTD Web
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R1: Which type of Disposal Services customer are you? (288) - Military/DOD (72) 18% 25% - Reutilization (36) 21% 13% - Transfer/Donation (Combined) (4) 3% 1% - LESO (153) 71% 52% - Firefighter, CFL, Other (Combined) (23) 64% 9% R2: How would you rate your experience in using the Reutilization Transfer Donation (RTD) WEB (305) - Good (233) 82% 77% - Fair (62) 16% 20% - Poor (10) R2 – Experience using RTD Web (trends from Poor rating) “There needs to be quick notification and document dissemination once an item is awarded, as coordinating shipping/ pickup can be complicated. POC's need to be accurate in the descriptions on RTD web. Sometimes questions or picture requests take too long. This information is crucial in determining items to request..” “I appreciate that photographs were included for the products. It would be helpful if photographs were included for all products.” FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Reutilization/LESO Customers
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% % of Customers who answered Yes ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R3: If you requested assistance during the screening/requisition process, did you get the help you needed? (221) 95% 90% R4: Did we ship property to you or did you go to pick it up? (270) - It was shipped (119) 37% 44% - Picked it up (151) 63% 56% R4b: If you picked it up, was the property ready and available at your scheduled appointment? (167) 96% 93% Green/Green FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Reutilization/LESO Customers
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% % of Customers who answered Yes ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R4a: If it was shipped – did the property meet your expectations? (124) 90% R4a1: If it did not meet your expectations – was it because of: (24) - Quantity was incorrect (0) 6% 0% - Unit of issue was incorrect (0) - Condition of property was incorrect (5) 24% 21% - Stock number received was incorrect (3) 13% - Part number received was incorrect (1) 4% - Property was not delivered by the RDD (2) 8% - Other (13) 59% 54% Example comment/s from Other category; Some site will not return any information back when asked questions. I have had site's be very helpful and answer question while other site do not respond. I have been awarded items and site has not contacted me with details of the item or items. Don't remember the RTD site, but I sent an to these two listed POC's, no response. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Turn-in/Transportation Customers
( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4tht Qtr Survey T1. How would you rate your experience using EDOCS (Electronic Document System) for retrieving your DD1348-1s? (106) - Good (80) 77% 75% - Fair (22) 17% 21% - Poor (4) 6% 4% T2. When was your turn-in receipt (signed ) available in the Electronic Documents (EDOCS) system? (82) - Less than or equal to ten (10) days (64) 78% - More than ten (10) days (18) 23% 22% T3. How would you rate your experience when requesting property pick-up/transportation and/or turn-in services? (127) - Good (98) 81% - Fair (15) 15% 12% - Poor (14) 11% T1 – example comment from Poor category; “I still have 1348's still pending in the edocs system dating back to mid ” T3 – example comment from Poor category; The trucks requested almost never arrive on time. I'm not talking about a few minutes late either. I mean an hour +. Sometimes coordination between multiple agencies are required to get all property together and loaded. When the truck is late, this throws a wrench in the system. T3 – Top negative comments; Long wait times Trucks show up late or not at all FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Transportation/Turn-in Customers
% of Customers who answered Yes 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey T4. If you experienced an issue with your turn-in, was it due to … (46) - Problems with the Scheduler system (7) 21% 15% - Improper or lack of paperwork (6) 14% 13% - Problems with the Electronic Turn-in Document (ETID) system or ETID approvals (6) 11% - Limited hours of operation at site (5) 7% - Insufficient/unsatisfactory support from Disp Svcs personnel (4) 9% - Issues with your Receipt in Place (RIP) property (2) 4% - Other (16) 29% 35% T5. If you agreed to have Receipt in Place (RIP) Property, did we honor the agreed upon time for property removal from your location? (31) 97% 84% Missed our Mark of 90% Other: Areas of improvement: Timeliness of trucks, there have been several times a company was requested however either it did not come on time, would not have any CBL paperwork, and many times did not come at all. Also, there have been times where a certain type of truck was requested (i.e. 53 foot flatbed, drop-deck, etc) and the wrong truck was received. Putting a truck request in and often times it taking up to 2 plus weeks to receive any response back or having to track down the status. Compliments: Since I have been dealing with over the past few months, the representative I have been assigned has been a tremendous help. She has been very informative and extremely polite with assisting all of my questions and concerns; I feel she expressed a level of professionalism that has been unparalleled to others that have assisted in the past. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Hazardous Waste Customers
% of Customers who answered Yes 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey HW1. Are you satisfied with the disposition solutions for your unused Hazardous Material (HM)? (If no – please explain in the comments section) (18) 82% 89% HW2. Are you satisfied with your Contracting Officer Representative (COR)’s management of your Hazardous Waste (HW) contract removals? (20) 95% 83% HW1 Subcontractor XYZ or whatever, they did not show up on time, with the correct vehicle and personnel. I am a disabled vet and had to violate medical orders and push my body to extremes in order to help the driver get all the waste onto the truck. No HW2 Comments FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Overall Comments Summary
Satisfied Comments 239 Neutral Comments 5 Not Satisfied Comments 60 TOTAL Comments Received 304 80% of comments were Satisfied 19% were Not Satisfied 1% were Neutral Positive trends; Great Customer Service Positive employee attitudes and enthusiasm 1033 Program (LESO) positive comments Negative trends; Waiting for stamped/signed copies of the 1348s Long wait times for trucks Time it takes to wait for pick-ups or make appointments All positive and negative comments get forwarded upon receipt to the DSD/Supervisor/AM/ or Chief of the person or site mentioned in the comment for commendatory or corrective action. Neutral comments; “This is a Test”.” “No issues.” All customers who mark “response requested” get a response in the form of a CRM ticket and are tracked to closure/resolution. All 12 customers who marked (Response requested) have been answered and closed. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Trends from Customers who requested a response
Top 3 trends from the 12 Customers who requested a response; (3) Poor Customer Service/Communication (2) NETOPS (2) Help with locating property Remaining were assistance requests for; DSR contact information, Delivery Orders, DEMIL Instructions and Transportation/Scheduling assistance FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Outstanding Personnel (1 of 3)
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: NORTH-EAST Jones, Anthony Campbell Biacco, Perry Columbus Fenner, Carrie (Twice) Columbus Marshall, Eric Columbus Fortin, Mark Groton Wickham, Edward Groton Barnett, Carla Letterkenny Hoon, Christina Letterkenny Ray, James Letterkenny Shuman, Todd Letterkenny Huffines, Carolyn Meade Jones, Terrence Norfolk Miller, Leonthia Norfolk Young, George Norfolk Papciak, Nicholas Pease Cherry, Gwendolyn Richmond Cates, Jett Scott Roderick, Brandon Sparta Weekley, William (Bill) Sparta Anderson, Cynthia (Twice) Susquehanna Riley, Natasha (Twice) Susquehanna Rivera Frankie Susquehanna SOUTH-EAST Davis, Kristie Bragg Garris, Eric (Twice) Bragg Brown, Tenille Bragg Curtis, Mitchell Bragg James Reginald Bragg Meinke, Dwight Bragg Soto, Gregorio (3 Times) Bragg Hambrick, Karla (Twice) Eglin Hambrick, Michael Eglin Anderson, Nicholas Huntsville Daniels, Dan Huntsville Banks, Steven Jacksonville Buecker, Mark Jacksonville Hamilton, Thomas (3 Times) Jacksonville Jordan, Frederick Jacksonville Wilson, Dianne Jacksonville Grant, Lucas (Twice) Lejeune Harris, Ryan Lejeune Hernandez, Monica (3 Times) Lejeune Licht, Brian Lejeune Brown, James T. (6 Times) Warner Robins Listing of employees complimented in surveys by customers. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Outstanding Personnel (2 of 3)
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: MID-AMERICA Hope, Kevin (Twice) Col. Springs Martin, Edward Col. Springs Sams, David (Twice) Col. Springs Stevens, Mike (Twice) Col. Springs Wilcox, John (Twice) Col. Springs Martinez, Jose Corpus Christi Agyei, Frank Hood Brown. John Hood Jackson, Joe Hood Campbell, Vernon Offutt Crawford, Kelli Red River Martinez, Anthony Riley Molina. Carmen Riley Robledo, Zachary San Antonio Johnson, Stephen Whiteman WEST Wilds, Dustin Barstow Files, Dan Hill Grimshaw, Jared (3Times) Hill Kibler, Scott Hill Meyer, Brandon (Twice) Hill Schultz , Christopher (3Times) Hill Stickney, Dave Hill Kirby, Ryan Kirtland Arrendondo, Denisse Pendleton Coulson, Gregory Pendleton Quejado, Eddiely Pendleton Thompson, Barry Pendleton Robie, Eric Sierra Coward, Phillip Tucson FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Outstanding Personnel (3 of 3 )
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: Pacific Castillo, Clifford Guam Fejarang, Ronnie Guam Powell, Mark Guam Mendiola, Joseph Pearl Harbor Ikeda, Megumi Sagami Matsumoto, Toshiyuki Sagami Central Alvarez, Francisco (Twice) Arifjan Williams, Gus (Twice) Arifjan Williams, LaTanya (Twice) Arifjan Europe and Africa Forbes, Edward Aviano Marich, Robert Aviano Marongiu, Massimo Aviano Nelson, Christopher (Twice) Aviano Thompson, Michael (Twice) Aviano Tandu, Matondo (Twice) Djibouti Cole, Frank Grafenwoehr Lee, Ursula Grafenwoehr Schmidt, Michael Kaiserslautern MSgt Mendoza, Arvie Molesworth Jimenez, Reinaldos Rota Headquarters Aguero, Jose CFL Carter, Steven RTD Fix, Carol RTD Wood, Michael LESO FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Outstanding Sites NORTH-EAST Columbus (4 Times) Letterkenny
Meade (Twice) Norfolk (Twice) Scott Sparta (Twice) Susquehanna (5 Times) Tobyhanna WEST Barstow (Twice) Hill Lewis (Twice) Pendleton (Twice) San Joaquin Tucson MID-AMERICA Colorado Springs(4 Times) Offutt Riley EUROPE/AFRICA Aviano (4 Times) Djibouti Grafenwoehr Incirlik Kaiserslautern PACIFIC Guam Misawa (Twice) Okinawa (Twice) Pearl Harbor (5 Times) SOUTH-EAST Anniston Bragg Campbell Eglin (3 Times) Huntsville Jacksonville Lejeune (4 Times) Warner Robins (5 Times) Listing of sites complimented in surveys (as a whole or whole staff). HQ LESO (Twice) RTD (3 Times) Transportation (6 Times) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Sample Comments Online scheduling is easy and the staff work very well to make sure the pickup is on time. To simplify some of the military jargon that non-military folks don’t understand I just wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU to you and your TEAM for exceptional patience, training, customer service and support. You could have easily turned us away with a truck full of equipment but didn’t. Because of your TEAM’s support, I ensure you our next turn, if applicable, in will not disappoint. Please stop sending me these survey’s. If I had anything good to say about my DRMO support, I would have a long time ago In less than 24hrs, Site X followed up on my general negative comment submitted in response to the DLA Survey Letter. I was very impressed with the timeliness and sincere desire to listen to my concerns. It became obvious to me that my negative comment in my previous survey was probably too harsh. We see a lot of items being turned in from other branches of service, but do not see the items being made available for request. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
CRM Tickets 2nd Qtr FY18 DLA Service Level Met (SLM) GOAL: 75%
Tickets CLOSED External Customers 94% (trend) 93% COMBINED (External and Internal Customers) (QTR AVG) Internal Customers 80% Type & Quantity CRM Ticket POC: John Cain Phone: Updated: April 1, Data Source: EBS web and CRM web KEY POINTS 2nd Qtr: - Weekly (vice monthly) “Director’s Level” open ticket reports are increasing supervision & awareness. Non-cadre members without system access are playing a role. TOP OF CHART – Tickets CLOSED in 2nd Qtr: 291 Goal is to answer 75% of CRM tickets within tolerance (Service Level Met (SLM) – DLA measure) 24 39 64 11 1 40 5 1 59 24 9 14 COMBINED TICKETS WORKED BY DISPOSITION SERVICES: 291 - Answered within tolerances: 273 ( 94%) - Answered out of tolerances: 18 ( 6%) 21 EXTERNAL customer tickets worked by Disp Svcs employees: 267 - Answered within tolerances: 251 (94%) Answered out of tolerances: 16 (6%) INTERNAL - Calls: closed in 2nd Qtr: 24 Closed by Disp Svcs (INTERNAL customer tickets … our own employees) Answered within tolerances: 22 (91%) Answered out of tolerances: 2 (9%)
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