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REPRODUCTION Please do not write on this packet.

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Presentation on theme: "REPRODUCTION Please do not write on this packet."— Presentation transcript:

1 REPRODUCTION Please do not write on this packet.
Use it to fill in the Reproduction notes in packet # 7. Return when you are finished!

2 The production of new individuals
Reproduction The production of new individuals Necessary for the survival of a species but not the individual organism

3 Cell Division The orderly separation of one cell into two cells. Genetic information is passed from one cell to the next. Two type of cell division are: Mitosis and Meiosis

4 Sexual Reproduction Involves the production and fusion of specialized sex cells called gametes (sperm and egg) Offspring are different from the parents Involves the type of cell division called meiosis

5 Asexual Reproduction A method of reproduction in which all the genes (genetic instructions) passed on to the offspring come from a single parent cell Offspring are identical to the parent Identical genetic copies are known as clones Involves the type of cell division called mitosis

6 Types of Asexual Reproduction
Binary Fission

7 Budding

8 Sporulation

9 Regeneration

10 Vegetative Propagation

11 A Tree of Forty Fruits Grafting

12 Important terms Chromosomes: are thick thread-like structures, found in the nucleus, that contain genetic information in the form of DNA

13 Replication Chromosomes make copies of themselves, becoming double stranded

14 Chromatid Half of a double stranded chromosome

15 Important terms Chromatin : twisted threads of DNA in non-dividing cells

16 Important Terms Diploid Number Examples :
The normal number of chromosomes (2N) Examples : Humans 2n= 46 (23 pair) Fruit fly 2n = 8 (4 pair) Cats 2n = 36 (18 pair)

17 Haploid Number (Monoploid)
Haploid Number: (monoploid) (n) Have half the normal number of chromosomes Example: human sperm and egg each have 23 chromosomes n= 23

18 Mitosis Mitosis is a process that divides the cell’s nucleus into two, each with a complete set of genetic material (chromosomes) from the parent cell The new cells are called daughter cells Unicellular organisms use mitosis for reproduction and multicellular organisms use it for growth and repair

19 Mitosis Mitosis occurs in stages: Interphase Prophase Metaphase
Anaphase Telophase

20 Mitosis Plants vs. Animal
Animal cells use centrioles during mitosis and plant cells don’t have centrioles Cytokenesis occurs by forming a cell plate in plant cells and in animal cells the cytoplasm pinches in

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