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Introduction to the process and joy of seminars!

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the process and joy of seminars!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the process and joy of seminars!
Human Rights Seminar Introduction to the process and joy of seminars!

2 Why so tricky? Focus on FACTS Understand UN / US perspective on a VERY complicated issue Allow you some creativity in thinking of possible solutions Prepare you for this week’s SEMINAR! What’s a seminar?? --->

3 What is a Seminar?

4 Collaborative learning Discussing a common text or theme
What is a seminar? Two circles Collaborative learning Discussing a common text or theme

5 What’s the goal? Or purpose?
Examine one topic from multiple angles Consider each side and perspective Understand other students’ opinions Share your opinion Evaluate the issues Propose solutions

6 Seminar Habits BEFORE the discussion
Number the paragraphs Annotate the article Write 3 questions Do some outside research

7 Seminar Habits DURING Discussion
Be heard Let others be heard Invite others to speak Ask questions Reflect on what hasn’t been said Discussion, not a debate

8 Expectations Inner Circle:
-Referencing the text by citing a specific paragraph -Making connections to other texts read in class -Making connections to current events/real life -Referencing another comment by a classmate and explaining why you agree or disagree -Asking a question

9 Expectations - Outer Circle
- Observe your partner in the inner circle Coach your partner half-way through on what they’re doing well and what they could improve on -Offer solutions to problems you observe

10 One of the first steps for being prepared for the seminar is coming up with QUESTIONS:
Just as we did when we discussed Colin Kaepernick, we are going to go through an Inquiry Process. Refer to the questions you generated for the different articles. And the outside research you have done so far.

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