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Snowman pcb design workshop – Breadboarding / Programming ATTiny85

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1 Snowman pcb design workshop – Breadboarding / Programming ATTiny85
IEEE Snowman pcb design workshop – Breadboarding / Programming ATTiny85

2 Updates Hardware team leaders: Sergio Perez and Michael
Meetings will be decided for Spring There will be one meeting before we end the semester. We are still seeking members to contribute and potentially attend SoutheastCon for the competition in Alabama on April 2019. Ask us to join the Slack channel if you are interested. Seeking Fast-Response Team Members for Knight Hacks Experience not required. Being willing to commit time to learning hardware basics is expected. Ask us to join dedicated slack for Knight Hacks.

3 Updates Tutoring sessions for the week before Finals.
Locations will be: Tuesday ENG2 Room 205, Thursdays ENG1 Room 327 Office Hours Topics included are: Electrical networks Networks & Systems Digital Systems Intro to C Anything else with computer or electric engineering topics.

4 AVR Microcontrollers AVR Microcontrollers are a line of microcontroller Microchip Technology developed by the American Semiconductor manufacturer Atmel. The AVR is a modified Harvard architecture machine. We will be using one of the tinyAVR series architecture Pros: More compact and portable design Cons: Less memory and processing power

5 ATTINY45/85 Flash program memory type 8 KB program memory size
CPU speed of 20 MIPS/DMIPS 512 Byte SRAM and EEPROM I2C and SPI Digital Communication Capable 2 X 8-Bit timers 8 Pins

6 Programming the Attiny85
We will be using the Arduino IDE to program our ATTiny85 chip. Arduino has an In-System-Programmer (ISP) capability that we will use to program our AVR chip using through the bootloader of the ATTiny85. First, open your preferences menu in the Arduino IDE and paste this URL into the “Additional Boards Manager URLs:” Tools > Board > Boards Manager Search for “attiny” and install the latest package that appears (V1.0.2) ds

7 Programming the Attiny85
Next, we want to upload the Arduino ISP program that will configure the microcontroller to program other AVR chips. Go to File > Examples > 11.ArduinoISP > ArduinoISP This will open the program with the In-System-Programmer code. Verify and upload this code to the Elegoo Uno. Now we ready to configure our circuit to have the Elegoo Uno program our ATTiny85 chip. ds

8 Programming the Attiny85
ds Make sure to add the 10µF Capacitor with the long end into Reset and short end to GND!

9 Uploading Program to Attiny85
Now that we have our circuit built, we want to upload the program for our Snowman to the ATTiny85 by first burning the bootloader on the chip. Go to Tools > Boards > Attiny 25/45/84 Tools > Processor > Attiny85 Tools > Clock > Internal 8 MHz Tools > Programmer > Arduino as ISP Ensure that you have the right COM Port selected for your Elegoo UNO Tools > Burn Bootloader ds

10 Uploading Program to Attiny85
Now that we have the bootloader on the ATTiny active, we can upload the Snowman Code to the chip. Verify and upload the code using the same circuit configuration. Next, we will test if our program on the ATTiny was uploaded correctly by building the Snowman circuit on a breadboard. ds

11 Uploading Program to Attiny85

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