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The Emergence of the U.S. in World Affairs

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1 The Emergence of the U.S. in World Affairs
Goal 6

2 Goal 6 The emergence of the United States in world affairs (1890 – 1914) – The learner will analyze causes and effects of the United States’ emergence as a world power.

3 Objective 6.01 Identify the areas of the United States military, economic, and political involvement and influence.

4 Manifest Destiny Belief that God wanted American to expand to the West… and beyond.


6 How far did U.S. influence extend?
How far does U.S. influence extend today?

7 Imperialism The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories. Taking colonies to form an empire

8 Imperialism (continued)
The U.S. follows this path for 3 reasons The need for resources and markets Global competition Closing of the frontier Census Bureau – 1890 – “The frontier is closed” Jeffersonian ideals fading?


10 Fueling Imperialism Global competition Desire for military strength
Alfred Thayer Mahan Thirst for new markets

11 Global Competition European nations had been establishing overseas empires for years Africa China Spheres of Influence Pacific Caribbean


13 Alfred Thayer Mahan Served in U.S. Navy for nearly 40 years
Became president of Naval War College Advocated military expansion Wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660 – 1783

14 Alfred Thayer Mahan (continued)
Called for a modern fleet capable of protecting American business and shipping interests around the world. Called for naval bases in the Caribbean, a canal across the isthmus of Panama, and the acquisition of Hawaii Theodore Roosevelt admired his book Future implications?

15 Frederick Jackson Turner
Historian Frontier Thesis: Said America’s Western frontier made the U.S. democratic All were equal on the frontier

16 Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer
The idea that the fittest survive in the human population

17 “Anglo-Saxon Superiority”
Belief that Anglo-Saxon way of life was “better” and more advanced than others How was this shown? Treatment of African-Americans Treatment of Native Americans Treatment of immigrants Treatment of people in colonies

18 Josiah Strong Wrote Our Country
Said it was America’s duty to expand civilization based on Anglo-Saxon superiority Excuse for annexation of Philippines – 1890s

19 “White Man’s Burden” Belief that it was the white man’s job to “civilize” the rest of the world Goes along with assimilation Kipling poem


21 Mercantilism An economic system in which nations seek to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by establishing a favorable balance of trade Colonies make mother country richer

22 Spheres of Influence China – 1900 – European powers taking over zones of control in China. U.S. opposed it because it would limit America’s access to trade.


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