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Chapter 4 Lesson 4: The War of 1812

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1 Chapter 4 Lesson 4: The War of 1812

2 Main Idea A President Madison tried to ease trade problems with Britain and France, but tensions eventually led to war.

3 Details Congress passed the
which prohibited trade with Britain and France. Non-Intercourse Act

4 Details 2. This act authorized the president to reopen trade with which ever country removed its first. trade restrictions

5 Details 3. The sections of the United States that wanted war with Britain were the and the . South West Also called: “War Hawks”

6 Details 4. Settlers blamed the for problems with the Native American. Tried to unite his people to protect their . His followers were defeated at the . British Battle of Tecumseh lands Battle of Tippecanoe

7 Details 5. Congress declared war against Britain in June . 1812

8 Main Idea B Although the U.S. Military was ill- prepared, the United States invaded Canada

9 Details 1. American military leaders tried to attach Canada from directions. The attacks . 3 failed

10 Details Oliver Perry 2. Commodore attacked the British fleet in the year He won control of Lake . 1813 Erie

11 Details General 3. This victory enabled to recover the city of .
Harrison 3. This victory enabled to recover the city of . Detroit

12 Main Idea C After more than two years of fighting, the war ended with a treaty that left boundaries the same and did not address the causes of the war.

13 Details A British fleet sailed into and set fire to the Chesapeake Bay
and the Chesapeake Bay White House Capitol building

14 Details 2. The British then bombarded , but abandoned their attack on Fort McHenry the fort

15 Details 3. In 1815, the British fleet landed near They were defeated by New Orleans Andrew Jackson

16 Details Treaty of 4. The war was ended when negotiators signed the .

17 Write the name of your home country / country of origin on the bottom of section 4

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