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is the primary Leadership skill

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1 is the primary Leadership skill
Networks are the new Structures for the global age Networking is the primary Leadership skill For the 21st Century

2 Questions for YOU! How networked … is your organization? .. are your workers/leaders? … are YOU?

3 Networking in the 21st Century
A New Science….from random networks to hubs of interest… The Network as Science in the Age of Complexity . Six Degrees of Separation & the World Wide Web Networks are: . Evolving dynamical systems of interconnectedness . Built around Hubs of Interest . Self-organizing & based on Hub strength Hubs: . Have many internal links & nodes . Connect to other hubs through weak links . Define the direction of the network Build a case for what scholars are saying about life today, that the world has become a global networked society. Networks have always been the basic building block of communities and society. During the bureaucratic age of living in the 20th century, this basic element of society was replace with the organization chart, which does now allow for the natural connections that occur in every organization and community. The leadership challenge is to build a networking orientation to school development, for both professionals and for students as well. For students this means connecting with others locally and in other parts of the nation and the world community. Teaching professionals and students to network, and to build strong networks as energy producing systems, is the element needed to school development in this technological and global age of living.

4 Networks as the 21st Century Business Model:
From Hierarchy To Networks . Shed hierarchy and develop networking THINKING . For the network to grow, hubs must get stronger . The biggest hubs keep the network growing & provide direction . Strategic partnerships & alliances are essential . Hubs must add value to the Network or die . Products & ideas spread through hubs . Clusters of workers develop network functions These slides can be used to introduce the major ideas from Networking Science. Perhaps these precede the slides from Karen Stephenson. These slides highlight some of the major ideas in the hierarchy to networking doc in the participant’s manual. People may pull these ideas from the readings, but it will only reinforce these new concepts if you share the highlights about networking found in these slides.

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