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The second trait of writing

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1 The second trait of writing
Organization The second trait of writing (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016

2 Organization Writing with good organization puts the ideas in an order that makes sense.

3 (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016
What is organization? Writing with good organization puts ideas in an order that makes sense. (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016

4 (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016
Kinds of organization Chronological order in order of time Order of importance In order of how important the information is Spatial order In order of where things are (closest, farthest away) Compare and contrast In an order that shows how ideas are similar or different (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016

5 1 = Ideas are listed in a random order
I’m not sure how to begin. I don’t know where I’m headed. This is confusing to read. Help! Which details go together? (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016

6 (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016
Score of 1 There are eight planets in the solar system. Venus is scorching hot. Mercury moves really fast, and Mars is the most similar to earth. Pluto isn’t really a planet, but we used to think it was. Neptune has sonic-speed winds, Jupiter is the biggest, and Uranus is the one everyone forgets about. Saturn has beautiful rings. Earth is the only planet with life. (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016

7 3 = A little confusing, but mostly makes sense
My beginning is okay. My writing is pretty easy to follow. I might still need to move some things around. The ending doesn’t grab me yet. (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016

8 (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016
Score of 3 There are eight planets in the solar system. Mercury, the closest to the sun, moves really fast. Venus, next closest, is very hot. Earth is the only planet with life. Mars is the most similar to earth. Jupiter is the biggest. Saturn has rings. Uranus is the one everyone forgets about. Neptune has really fast winds. Pluto, the farthest from the sun and the coldest, isn’t really a planet, but we used to think it was. (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016

9 5 = Everything flows perfectly
The beginning grabs you. The ending really works! All the pieces fit together clearly. It is really easy for the reader to follow along. (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016

10 (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016
Score of 5 Our solar system has eight planets, and they range from fairly boring to completely fascinating. The least interesting planets, in my opinion, are Mercury and Mars because they have bare, rocky surfaces with nothing on them. Bright blue Uranus and ringed Saturn are more interesting because of their beauty. Better yet are the planets with dense, swirling atmospheres like Jupiter (which has a storm that could fit our entire planet inside), Venus (where the air would crush you in an instant), and Neptune (where the winds break the speed of sound). The most interesting planet of all, of course, is the only one we have ever found that supports the miracle of life: Earth. (c) Free Writing Worksheets 2016

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