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Rapid Software Testing

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1 Rapid Software Testing
v1.4.3 James Bach, Satisfice, Inc. (540) Copyright © , Satisfice, Inc.

2 Acknowledgements Some of this material was developed in collaboration with Dr. Cem Kaner, of the Florida Institute of Technology. Many of the ideas in this presentation were reviewed and extended by my colleagues at the 7th Los Altos Workshop on Software Testing. I appreciate the assistance of the LAWST 7 attendees: Cem Kaner, Brian Lawrence, III, Jack Falk, Drew Pritsker, Jim Bampos, Bob Johnson, Doug Hoffman, Chris Agruss, Dave Gelperin, Melora Svoboda, Jeff Payne, James Tierney, Hung Nguyen, Harry Robinson, Elisabeth Hendrickson, Noel Nyman, Bret Pettichord, & Rodney Wilson.

3 Assumptions You test software.
You have at least some control over the design of your tests and some time to create new tests. One of your goals is to find important bugs fast. You test things under conditions of uncertainty and time pressure. You have control over how you think and what you think about. You want to get very good at software testing.

4 Goal of this Class This class is about how to test a product when you have to test it right now, under conditions of uncertainty, in a way that stands up to scrutiny. (This skill comes in handy even when you have more time, more certainty, and are subject only to your own scrutiny.)

5 What is Internet time like?
Less time than you’d like. Faster is better. Your plans will be interrupted. You are not fully in control of your time. What is Internet time like? Team Sports

6 The Challenge When the ball comes to you…
Do you know you have the ball? Can you receive the pass? Do you know your options? Do you know what your role and mission is? Is your equipment ready? Can you read the situation on the field? Do you know where your teammates are? Are you aware of the criticality of the situation? Can you let your teammates help you? Are you ready to act, right now?

7 Your Moves: Rapid Testing Cycle
Do a burst of testing STOP START Focus on what needs doing Make sense of your status Report Compare status against mission

8 What About “Slow” Testing?
All Testing Management likes to talk about this… but they don’t fund it. Rigorous or Thorough automation extensive preparation super testability super skill Rapid You can do this, no matter what.

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