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October 25, 2018 Charleston, South Carolina

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1 October 25, 2018 Charleston, South Carolina
Washington Report October 25, 2018 Charleston, South Carolina Dee P. Wisor President NABL Jessica R. Giroux Director of Governmental Affairs NABL

2 About NABL The National Association of Bond Lawyers (NABL) was established to promote the importance and integrity of the municipal market by advancing the understanding of and compliance with the law affecting public finance. NABL provides its members with a forum for the exchange of ideas as to law and practice, giving its members some of the tools that help them continually improve the state of the art in the field. NABL also provides commentary and recommendations at the federal, state and local levels with respect to legislation, regulations and rulings affecting bonds, and on occasion submits friend of the court briefs or memoranda in connection with court or administrative proceedings.

3 NABL works closely with industry participants
Industry Connections NABL works closely with industry participants Bond Dealers of America (BDA) Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) National Association of Health and Educational Finance Authorities (NAHEFFA) Public Finance Network (PFN) PFN represents hundreds of thousands of members of the municipal bond issuer and user communities including states, cities, airports, hospitals and utilities Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association (SIFMA)

4 House Ways & Means proposal
Tax Reform 2.0 House Ways & Means proposal Passed in House Unclear prospects in Senate Three bill package: Makes permanent individual tax cuts; SALT cap Focus on retirement savings Focus on benefits to businesses No mention of revenue raisers Does this mean PABs are safe?

5 Tax Reform 2.0 (continued)
Advocacy & Education NABL coordinating with industry friends like those mentioned earlier Hill meetings Ways & Means and Senate Finance Committees Continued presence on Capitol Hill Post-election activity If House flips, room to revisit the items we care about Advance refunding reinstatement legislation (Rep. Hultgren, R-IL) Bank qualified bond legislation (formerly Rep. Reed, R-NY) Infrastructure proposals

6 Midterm Elections Will Dems take the House or Senate?
Sources are saying 75-80% House will flip and 20% chance the Senate will flip House: In order to regain the majority, Democrats need to win at least 24 seats held by Republicans (while retaining their current number of seats) There are 42 Republican open or vacant seats and only 19 Democratic open seats, leaving Rs more vulnerable in the House Senate: In the Senate, Democrats must retain their current number of seats ( independents) plus pick up 2 seats ( D’s defend 26 seats; R’s defend 9, leaving D’s more vulnerable in the Senate

7 A Step Back: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
TCJA eliminated advance refundings Revenue raiser, policy concern or both? Congressman Randy Hultgren (R-IL) bill to reinstate advance refundings Representatives Randy Hultgren (R-IL) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) The PFN and NABL continue to discuss the legislation on the Hill Ideally, Hultgren’s office would like to see it above the 100 mark for cosponsors NABL paper: Ban on Tax-Exempt Advance Refundings – Now What? Advance refunding alternatives Future structuring considerations

8 HQLA legislation passed; being implemented
Securities Issues 15c2-12 Rule Narrower than originally proposed 2 new events Incurrence of defined material financial obligation Default or similar event as defined Effective February 2019 Real world impact TBD HQLA legislation passed; being implemented Legislation signed into law this year requires the FDIC, the Federal Reserve, and the OCC to classify qualifying investment-grade, liquid and readily- marketable municipal securities as level 2B liquid assets under the agencies’ liquidity coverage ratio rules.

9 NABL works on a variety of publications throughout the year
NABL Initiatives NABL works on a variety of publications throughout the year Below are examples of a few: Disaster Recovery Bond Financing Paper (final) Scholarly Article on Financing Sectarian Institutions (published) Charter School Paper (draft) Infrastructure Financing in Rural Communities (draft)

10 NABL’s Disaster Recovery Bond Financing Paper
Policy ideas for consideration by Congress as it relates to responses to major disasters. Proposal for permanent disaster relief financing mechanisms which would be beneficial in the aftermath of a major disaster. Suggestions are based on legislation previously adopted by Congress in response to 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the 2008 Midwest floods.

11 NABL Scholarly Article on Financing Sectarian Institutions
Abstract: In transactions benefiting religious organizations, courts have historically interpreted federal and state constitutional provisions that limit government involvement with religion The purpose of this article is to assist bond counsel in providing an unqualified opinion regarding the validity of debt under state and federal law by identifying and examining trends in court opinions dealing with sectarian institutions The Court’s recent opinion in Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Comer suggests that jurisprudence in this field is still evolving Published in the Municipal Finance Journal Winter 2018 Edition and in The Bond Lawyer

12 NABL Charter School Paper
The financing of charter schools with tax-exempt bonds is a rapidly expanding part of our practice Such financings are integrally intertwined with the laws of the state in which the charter school is located We expect to address the issues that arise in charter school financings in enough detail to alert members

13 Infrastructure Financing in Rural Communities
NABL is working on a paper summarizing the tools currently available for financing infrastructure in rural communities Pros/challenges with such tools Suggestions for increasing financing opportunities Policy ideas drafted for consideration by Congress

14 Bond Related Legislation in Congress
No Tax Subsidies for Stadiums Act (H.R. 811) - bonds issued to finance professional sports stadiums meet the private security or payment test Corresponding Senate Bill - S. 1342 Sustainable Water Infrastructure Investment Act of 2017 (H.R. 3009) - to exempt tax-exempt facility bonds for sewage and water supply facilities from the state volume caps on PABs Facilitating Farmers' Access to Resources and Machinery Act (H.R. 1750) - with respect to private activity bond financing for first-time farmers Move America Act of 2017 (H.R. 3912) - to allow tax-exempt Move America bonds and tax credits to be used for certain infrastructure projects Corresponding Senate Bill – S. 1229

15 Bond Related Legislation in Congress (continued)
Public Buildings Renewal Act of 2017 (H.R. 960)* - to permit the tax-exempt financing of certain government-owned buildings by expanding the definition of "exempt facility bond" Corresponding Senate Bill – S. 326 Student Loan Opportunity Act of 2017 (H.R. 480) – to eliminate restrictions on nonprofit scholarship funding corporations To reinstate advance refunding bonds. (H.R. 5003) – advance refunding reinstatement Carbon Capture Improvement Act of 2017 (S. 843) – issuance of exempt facility bonds for qualified carbon dioxide capture facilities Corresponding House Bill – H.R. 2011

16 Bond Related Legislation in Congress (continued)
Give A HAND Act (H.R. 4172)* - tax relief for major disasters Modernizing American Manufacturing Bonds Act (H.R. 1115)* – to modify certain rules applicable to qualified small issue manufacturing bonds Corresponding Senate Bill – S. 773 The District of Columbia Public-Private Partnerships Home Rule Act (H.R. 7020) - would give D.C. the authority to enter into public-private partnerships H.R to include green infrastructure bonds in the definition of qualified private activity bonds.

17 Monitor mid-term elections Continue to blanket Capitol Hill
What Next? Monitor mid-term elections Continue to blanket Capitol Hill Bolster our cooperative work with BDA, CDFA, GFOA, NAHEFFA, PFN, SIFMA, and others Share the message with our members, their clients, and beyond NABL Governmental Affairs Committee

18 THANK YOU Dee P. Wisor President, NABL Partner, Butler Snow LLP
Jessica R. Giroux Director of Governmental Affairs, NABL

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