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Atlantic Slave Trade 1770- 1807.

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1 Atlantic Slave Trade 1770- 1807

2 Other slaves and workers in the Caribbean

3 LEARNING INTENTIONS Atlantic Slave Trade 1770-1807
Describe different types of slaves and workers found in the Caribbean

4 Atlantic Slave Trade During the slave trade, millions of Africans were kidnapped and taken to the Americas where they were forced to work. However there were also other workers and slaves in the Caribbean.

5 Atlantic Slave Trade The issue of other workers in the Caribbean is controversial. Some people were forced to work as slaves. Others worked in terrible conditions similar to slavery, but they were not slaves in the same way as Africans.

6 This included tribes such as the Arawak, Ciboney and also Carib.
Atlantic Slave Trade Native Americans One group of people that certainly were slaves in the Caribbean was Native Americans who already lived there. This included tribes such as the Arawak, Ciboney and also Carib.

7 Atlantic Slave Trade When the Spanish first arrived in the Caribbean, they saw the chance to use the islands to grow products, including sugar. European settlers forced these native tribes to work for them, bringing slavery to the area.

8 As a result of this treatment, large numbers of native peoples died.
Atlantic Slave Trade Like Africans later, the native people were treated terribly, forced to work long hours in hot conditions, and often facing extreme punishments. As a result of this treatment, large numbers of native peoples died.

9 Atlantic Slave Trade Native peoples also suffered due to illnesses the Europeans brought with them, like measles. In addition the native people suffered because European settlers also took their land to use for plantations or towns.

10 As such they used other groups as labourers in the Caribbean too.
Atlantic Slave Trade Large numbers of Native Americans died due to work and disease, so there were not enough workers to meet European demands. As such they used other groups as labourers in the Caribbean too.

11 Atlantic Slave Trade 1770-1807 European prisoners
European countries also used transportation as a punishment for prisoners. Guilty people were sent abroad to carry out their sentences, often to a far away destination from which they could not return.

12 Their living conditions were also poor, including very basic diets.
Atlantic Slave Trade Prisoners faced the same treatment as slaves: they were forced to work in difficult conditions, facing punishment if they did not work well. Their living conditions were also poor, including very basic diets.

13 Atlantic Slave Trade However unlike slaves, prisoners were being punished for committing a crime, and could be released at the end of their sentence, if they had worked well. Some then stayed to work on the plantations as paid employees, where they might have a better life.

14 Atlantic Slave Trade 1770-1807 Indentured servants
Indentured servants – also called bond servants – have similarities with slavery, but are not the same. Indentured servants had a contract to work – usually without pay – for a fixed amount of time.

15 Atlantic Slave Trade There were different reasons people became indentured servants, including: children being sold by their orphanage sold to pay off a debt people that had committed a crime voluntary to pay for travel

16 If their owner died, a servant’s contract passed to a new owner.
Atlantic Slave Trade If their owner died, a servant’s contract passed to a new owner. Like slaves, servants were forced to work in very difficult conditions, had poor living conditions and faced harsh punishments.

17 Atlantic Slave Trade However, unlike slaves, indentured workers would be free at the end of their contract (usually 4-7 years). At this point the servants could live in the Americas, and earn a wage. Sometimes they even got land and started their own farms.

18 Large numbers of Asian workers arrived to fill these shortages.
Atlantic Slave Trade Asian workers At the end of the slave trade there was not enough workers in the Caribbean. Large numbers of Asian workers arrived to fill these shortages.

19 Atlantic Slave Trade Many of the Asian workers that came to the Caribbean did so as indentured workers. They became indentured workers for reasons such as being sold as a prisoner of war, to pay off debts or as a choice to make money.

20 Atlantic Slave Trade Most Asian indentured workers sign for 2-5 years, often being paid during this time. At the end of their contract they stayed in the Caribbean, working in various jobs such as traders or bakers.

21 Atlantic Slave Trade Some Asian workers felt they were lied to about the conditions, jobs and life they would have in the Caribbean. These workers often resisted their employers by running away, damaging property or even attacking them. They also wrote petitions complaining.

22 The controversy on these issues relates to the definition of a slave.
Atlantic Slave Trade The controversy on these issues relates to the definition of a slave. Someone forced to work for the rest of their lives without pay is clearly a slave. However can this be said of someone that will eventually be free?

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