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Chap 20 Day 1 – Aim: How did Western Europe develop during the High Middle Ages? Do Now: Pair/Share 1) Who do the people represent in the painting? 2)

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Presentation on theme: "Chap 20 Day 1 – Aim: How did Western Europe develop during the High Middle Ages? Do Now: Pair/Share 1) Who do the people represent in the painting? 2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chap 20 Day 1 – Aim: How did Western Europe develop during the High Middle Ages? Do Now: Pair/Share 1) Who do the people represent in the painting? 2) Why are they portrayed this way?

2 The Holy Roman Empire Otto I of Saxony takes advantage of decline of Carolingian Empire to establish kingdom in north Germany, mid 10th century CE Military forays into eastern Europe Twice enters Italy to aid Roman Catholic church Pope John XII names Otto Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, 962 CE

3 The regional states of medieval Europe about 1250 CE- Why is the Holy Roman Empire called that?

4 Tensions between Emperors and the Church
Investiture Contest, late 11th-early 12th centuries (Church v State over who appoints powerful church positions) Pope Gregory VII ( ) attempts to end practice of lay investiture Excommunicates Emperor Henry IV ( CE) German peoples take opportunity to rebel Quashed with difficulty

5 Frederick Barbarossa (r. 1152-1190 CE)
Frederick I, “red beard” Attempt to absorb Lombardy (northern Italy) Popes did not want him to gain that much power, enlisted aid from other states Frederick forced to back down

6 Regional Monarchies: France and England
Capetian France Hugh Capet succeeds last Carolingian Emperor, 987 CE Slowly expands authority out from Paris Normans in England Descendants of Vikings, settled in France Invade England in 1066 under William the Conqueror Dominate Angles, Saxons, and other Germanic groups

7 Italy Series of ecclesiastical states, city-states, and principalities
Papal State directly controlled by Pope, good-sized territory in central Italy By 12th century, city-states increasingly displace church control in northern Italy- WHY? Normans invade southern Italy, displace Byzantine and Muslim authorities

8 Muslims control Iberian peninsula, 8th-12th centuries
From 11th century on, Christian conquest of Spanish Muslim territories Late 13th century, Muslims remain only in Granada Iberian Peninsula

9 Growth of the Agricultural Economy
Increasing development of arable lands – WHY? Minimized threat of invading nomads Clearing of swamps, forests Improved agricultural techniques Crop rotation New crops, esp. beans Horseshoes, horse collars (horses faster than oxen)

10 European Population Growth, 800-1300 CE – WHY?

11 Summary/Review Questions
What did the monarchies that emerged in France and England have in common? How were they different? What were the significant innovations in agriculture in Europe during this period? How did each one lead to increased yield?

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