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Rome Why Did It Fall?.

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Presentation on theme: "Rome Why Did It Fall?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome Why Did It Fall?

2 The Beginning of The End
180 CE Marcus Aurelius died His son, Commodus, took control of Rome Commodus was a poor leader, killed by his bodyguard Time of disarray follows

3 Invasions by Barbarian Tribes
The Empire grew weak from a attacks by Germanic Forces who eventually defeated Emperor Romulus Augustulus in 476 410 the Visigoth King Alaric successfully sacked the city of Rome. 476 was the year the Western Empire suffered its deathblow.

4 Economic Troubles Small business suffered when slaves were used to supply goods and services Constant wars and overspending emptied the treasury oppressive taxation hurt the poor. Inflation occurred: Rapidly rising prices. Money lost value because fewer taxes paid.

5 The Rise of the Eastern Empire
In the third century, the Empire was divided into two East and West failed to work together to combat outside threats, and argued over resources the Eastern Roman Empire continued for 1,000 more years and became known as the Byzantine Empire

6 Overexpansion The Empire became to big to manage and defend
the Romans were unable to communicate quickly. struggled to maintain enough troops to defend its boarders from rebellions and outside attacks

7 Weakening of Roman Legions
Emperors were desperate for soldiers so they began hiring foreign mercenaries that became the majority of the army they had little or no loyalty to the empire Returning soldiers brought outside disease

8 Government Problems No clear way to chose an emperor
The emperor’s personal bodyguards assassinated and installed new leaders at will, and once even auctioned the spot off to the highest bidder. Citizens lost faith in incompetent and corrupt leaders

9 The Role of Religion Christianity was becoming more popular
Many people embraced new religions and lost the desire to defend Roman values and Rome itself

10 The Fall Augustulus was defeated in 476 CE
For this reason, this date is given as the fall of the Western Roman Empire Western Empire was divided into many kingdoms that adopted many of the customs of Rome

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