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Lesson 1: Google Sheets Tour

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1 Lesson 1: Google Sheets Tour
Unit 1: Introduction Lesson 1: Google Sheets Tour

2 Lesson 1: Google Sheets Tour
Objectives: Understand what a spreadsheet can do Identify rows, columns, and cells in a spreadsheet Open Google Sheets

3 Use Google Sheets for… Calendars Gradebooks Inventory records
Expense records Team Statistics Budgets Time sheets Much, much more Before revealing, ask students to give examples of ways you can use Google Sheets.

4 Columns A column is a group of cells that go from the top of the spreadsheet to the bottom. Columns are identified by letters.

5 Rows A row is a group of cells that go from the left side of the spreadsheet to the right. Rows are identified by numbers.

6 Cell Each rectangle in a spreadsheet is a cell. Cells can contain text, formulas and functions. A cell address is where a column and row intersect. The cell address is the column letter followed by the row number.

7 Sheets in a Spreadsheet
The default name for the first sheet is “Sheet1.” You can add sheets to the spreadsheet by clicking the Plus. You can rename a sheet using the pop-up menu or by double clicking on it’s name.

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