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The marketing Environment

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Presentation on theme: "The marketing Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 The marketing Environment
LU 2

2 A few concepts MARKETING

3 Distribution



6 Marketing environment

7 Macro Environment Market Environment Micro Environment

8 Micro Environment Strengths - what makes you good
Weaknesses - what draws you down Functional areas…. Have S & W Strengths – build on them Weaknesses – eliminate them Examples:

9 Strength – brand name

10 Strength

11 Market environment Competitors Customers Intermediaries Suppliers

12 Competitors




16 Are you hungry??????????????

17 Competitors Are uncontrollable Source of opportunity or threat

18 Customers



21 How big is a market?

22 How wealthy is a market

23 Gnp – gross national product

24 Is the population growing

25 VS

26 Where is the market located?

27 Urbanisation

28 How do we describe a market?

29 Intemediaries

30 Wholesalers…..

31 Wholesalers

32 Suppliers All sorts of suppliers……
Electricity, security, rental space, cleaners..

33 So who do you need to remember in the market environment?
Competitors Customers Intermediaries Suppliers






39 ICE ACTIVITY Answer the following questions:
1. Name an example of two companies being competitors? 2. What do customers want? 3. What is demographics? 4. Give an example of an intermediary… 5. Give an example of a supplier…. 6. What does GDP stand for? 7. Supply a brand that has a strength in its brand name… 8. Describe urbanisation.

40 Macro environment


42 Political environment
Presents opportunities and threats

43 Consumerism: rights and powers of the consumer

44 Economic environment

45 Recession: economy in threat

46 Inflation


48 Interest rate

49 Please bank, lend me money
No problem, but its gonna cost you!!!!!!


51 Socio-cultural environment
Language Education Religious beliefs Diet Style of clothing Housing How people view things Affects how people live and behave


53 Technological environment
Provides a base for the economic environment The more technologically advanced a country, the stronger the economy



56 Environmental / natural environment

57 How do companies affect the natural environment?
Global warming Shortage of maize?

58 Consumers environmentally aware

59 Legal environment Laws that operate in society Limits choices
Companies need to adhere to the laws Totally uncontrollable It is a source of opportunity or threat

60 PESTLE THESE ENVIRONMENTS Political Economical Socio-cultural
Technological Legal Environment / Natural PESTLE

61 Attractive opportunities

62 Competitive advantage

63 Assignment Woolworths Mac Donalds Mr Price Kulula Coca Cola Pampers
Castle Simba BMW Revlon


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