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Open Educational Resources Project

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1 Open Educational Resources Project
Ohio Department of Higher Education Innovation Grant

2 History of Innovation grant
State requested proposals last year Three: 2-year, 4-year public, and 4-year private IEH submitted proposals with different objectives. NC State representing 17 community colleges. State asked to combine the proposals into one Grant for 2 years with a budget of $1.3M Steering committee formed to manage project including NC State (lead and financial agent), OACC, OhioLINK, Ohio State University, and Ohio Dominican

3 Project Objectives Increase access & affordability to higher education
Enhance opportunities for innovation Support State educational attainment goals Address Ohio Task Force on Affordability & Efficiency report 65% of adults with a post-secondary credential by 2025

4 Counties, States, Nation (88 counties in Ohio) Educational Attainment
Lumina 2018 “A Stronger Nation” : Post-High School Educational Attainment of Working-Age Americans (25-64) - U.S. Census, American Community Survey Counties, States, Nation (88 counties in Ohio) Educational Attainment (2018) (2015) USA 46.9% 40% Ohio (counties range 63.1% %) 44.1% (avg.) 37.5% Massachusetts 56.2% 51.5% West Virginia 34.7% 28.4%

5 Key Deliverables Create, adopt, and utilize OER materials for 22 courses 19 between OSU & community colleges 3 ODU high-level math courses Reduce cost of current textbooks by at least 70% in high enrollment courses, saving students at least 4 times the investment by the state ($1.3M) within 3 years of first implementation

6 OER Courses COHORT 1 COHORT 2 COHORT 3 American Government
First & Second Level Writing Intro to Psychology Intro to Sociology Linear Algebra Statistics COHORT 1 Calculus I Calculus II Macroeconomics Ordinary Differential Equations COHORT 2 Intro to Ethics Business Law Microeconomics American History I & II Public Speaking Manufacturing Processes Biology I & II General Chemistry I & II College Algebra Abstract Algebra Pre-Calculus Elementary & Middle Childhood Math Education COHORT 3

7 Project Timeline Start Cohort 1 Cohort 2 Cohort 3 End June 30, 2017
JAN AUG 2018 Cohort 2 JUN 2018 – DEC 2018 Cohort 3 JAN 2019 – AUG 2019 July 31, 2019 End ODHE Reports:

8 Project Partners Lead Institution & Fiscal Agent: University Partners:
Community College Partners: Additional Partners:

9 Accessing the materials

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