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Presentation on theme: "CONTRACEPTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 Reasons people have unplanned pregnancies….

3 Keys to pregnancy prevention:
Knowing how _________ occurs ______________ with partner Access to ___________ Deciding on ______ method

4 The best method of contraception is the one used __________ and __________

5 Choosing a method: __________ ________ prevention __________
Ease of use Rx vs OTC Confidentiality Personal __________ ________ prevention Future fertility __________ Safety Non- contraceptive benefits Other considerations

6 The Methods….

7 __________ __________ % effective STI/HIV prevention Nothing to buy
Safe Need alternate way to satisfy desire for pleasure/intimacy Need for ________ method Requires commitment & communication

8 __________ method ____% effective No protection against pregnancy
Nothing to purchase No interrupting spontaneity No protection against pregnancy No prevention of STI/HIV

9 Withdrawal Effectiveness varies Nothing to purchase
Good as last resort No STI/HIV prevention May affect pleasure Requires commitment and great control Pre- ejaculate NOT controllable - contains sperm and possible STI/HIV

10 Male condom _______% effective __________ STI/HIV prevention
Inexpensive Male involvement New types designed to enhance pleasure May leak or break if used incorrectly May interfere w/spontaneity Possible allergy to latex (__________ available) No __________

11 Female condom _____ % effective Requires comfort/familiarity with body
Good STI/HIV prevention No _______ Can be inserted prior to intercourse Requires comfort/familiarity with body May become dislodged May be _________ to find in stores

12 Oral Contraceptive Pills
95-99% effective Reduces menstrual discomfort Helps protect against ovarian cysts Newer pills have less side effects Must remember daily Not suitable for all By Rx only Possible side effects No STI/HIV prevention

13 Emergency Contraception Pills
Up to _____% effective* Can be used up to ____ hours _____ intercourse Good for emergency situations Safe even for women who can not use daily OCPs Not for regular use No STI/HIV prevention May cause __________ Need ____

14 Injectables (Depo Provera, Lunelle)
___+% effective ______ months continuous protection Nothing to remember ________ or at time of intercourse Must be ________ by healthcare provider May alter menses No STI/HIV prevention Longer return to ______

15 The Patch _____ % effective
Small adhesive patch worn for _____ weeks of cycle* ______________ absorbed through skin Similar to ______ in side effects Stays on even if ______ Nothing to remember each day Adhesive may be irritating to some No STI/HIV protection

16 The PATCH                                                                                  

17 ________ % effective ___” flexible ring inserted in vagina Ring contains ________ to suppress ovulation Worn ____ weeks of cycle Nothing to remember daily Most partners not bothered by ring No protection against STIs/HIV One size fits _____

18 Implants (Norplant*, etc)
_____+% effective Continuous protection up to _____ years* Nothing to remember __________ up front Minor surgical procedure to insert/remove May be ________ by others Possible side effects May be hard to find provider

19 Norplant ®                                                                                                                                                   

20 Spermicides ___________% effective Available _______
May provide additional lubrication Can be used in combination with other ________ to increase protection Must insert close to time of intercourse Some people _________ Can be messy Irritation can _________ chance of STI/HIV

21 Sponge ____________% effective OTC
Can be inserted _________ to intercourse One sponge protects for __________ acts of intercourse (within 24 hours) Requires comfort and/or familiarity with body Limited STI protection

22 Diaphragm/Cervical Cap
_______ % effective Allows _______ acts of intercourse (with more spermicide) Can be inserted _____ to intercourse High level of body _________ needed Must be fitted by ___________ May be difficult to insert

23 Cervical Cap vs. Diaphragm

24 Intrauterine Device (IUD)
______+% effective ________________ device placed in uterus Prevents fertilization / ________________ ______ years protection Nothing to do at time of intercourse Must be inserted by healthcare provider Risks rare, but could include permanent __________ If infected with STI, can be ______________ Recommended for women with one or more children


26 IUD Intrauterine Device

27 Fertility Awareness Methods
________% effective Nothing to purchase Permitted by some groups that prohibit use of other methods _____ side effects Requires training by healthcare provider Daily charting of __________, _______ mucous Abstinence needed during ______ times No STI/HIV prevention

28 Sterilization _____+% effective ______________ Nothing to remember
Requires surgery Non reversible No STI/HIV prevention Usually available only to adults who have at least one child or who have health problems

29 Finding the right method for YOU requires careful consideration
(fortunately, help is available…)

30 Abstinence from sexual intercourse is the only 100% way to prevent pregnancy.
Note: For people who do have sexual intercourse there are many safe, effective ways to prevent pregnancy, but they are not a guarantee.

31 How can I find out more? Parent/guardian Teacher/counselor
School nurse Healthcare provider Planned Parenthood

32 More Resources PP Clinic - 575 Main Street, Hackensack
For appointments Education Department

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