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Scouter Skills “Scouting is a game for youth under the leadership of youth under the direction of an adult.” “Teach Scouts not how to get a living, but.

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Presentation on theme: "Scouter Skills “Scouting is a game for youth under the leadership of youth under the direction of an adult.” “Teach Scouts not how to get a living, but."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scouter Skills “Scouting is a game for youth under the leadership of youth under the direction of an adult.” “Teach Scouts not how to get a living, but how to live.” “The most important object in Boy Scout training is to educate, not instruct.” “Success in training the boy depends largely on the Scoutmaster’s own personal example.” “There is no teaching to compare with example.”

2 Scouter Skills If you are going to lead your scouts – you need the knowledge and skills yourself We will show you where to find training – at all levels

3 Scouter Skills Primary resources for Scouter Skills
Here is a variety of materials, from quick references to complete courses, all designed to help you improve leadership skills and deliver a quality program. Primary resources for Scouter Skills (                 - IOLS                 - Powder Horn                 - Train-the-Trainer                 - Wood Badge                 - The Trainer’s EDGE                 - National Training Conferences - University of Scouting                 - E-learning

4 Scouter Skills IOLS – Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills
Working as patrols, this hands-on course provides adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. Upon completion, leaders should feel comfortable teaching Scouts the basic skills required to obtain the First Class rank. Along with Scoutmaster Specifics this course is required of all direct contact leaders registered in Boy Scout Troops in order to be considered “trained”.

5 Scouter Skills Powder Horn
                Powder Horn is a hands-on resource management course designed to give you the contacts and tools necessary to conduct an awesome high-adventure program in your troop, team, crew, or ship. Open to both registered adults and youth who are at least 13 and have completed the 8th grade.

6 Scouter Skills Train-the-Trainer
                The course introduces teaching techniques and skills to new Scout trainers but is also designed to help all Scouters, regardless of their experience, present effective training. Intended for both youth and adult trainers, the course will help those who might have trained for other organizations learn the BSA’s training techniques, and it will help freshen up the skills of current BSA trainers.

7 Wood Badge Scouter Skills
Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open only to Scouting volunteers and professionals. Scouters from Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Venturing, Sea Scouts, and Explorers, and district and council Scouters all are welcome and belong here. We do many things on course, like: Listening, Managing conflict, Leading change, Stages of team development, Coaching & Mentoring, Leadership for different stages, Servant leadership, Project planning. The purpose of Wood Badge is to develop skilled leaders who can strengthen Scouting units in achieving the mission of the Boy Scouts of America.

8 Scouter Skills                 The purpose of this course is to provide and help develop the platform skills of a trainer. It is meant to supplement the practice offered through Wood Badge and NYLT staff development, with a focus on the participant, while raising the level of skill a trainer brings to the staff experience. Only practice can polish these skills, but this course is intended to “train the trainer” on behaviors and resources while offering hands‐on experience in methods and media.

9 Scouter Skills National Training Conferences Philmont Training Center
               Philmont Training Center Florida Sea Base Bechtel Summit’s John D. Tickle Training Center

10 Scouter Skills University of Scouting
It is a supplemental training opportunity for all adult Scout leaders. It is the only time during the year where you can find, all in one place, the widest variety of training opportunities in all program areas (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, Sea Scouting, District Operations, and Council). Appoximately 160 different classes offered throughout the day! Coursework leads to Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate recognition. Five specific program areas to choose from: 1. Cub Scout College 2. Scouts, BSA College 3. College of Adventure 4. College of Ellective Programs 5. College of District Operations

11 Scouter Skills E-learning
Some courses are available in the e-Learning section of A login is required, but anyone may create a user account and view the courses. Registered members of the BSA may provide their member numbers (as part of the user profile) to receive credit. These include: Supplemental Safe Swim Defense  Safety Afloat  Weather Hazards  Climb On Safely  Trek Safely

12 E-learning Con’t Scouter Skills
Leader Position-Specific Training Leader Position-Specific: Den Leader  Leader Position-Specific: Cubmaster  Leader Position-Specific: Pack Trainer  Leader Position-Specific: Pack Committee  Leader Position-Specific: Venturing Advisor  Leader Position-Specific: Venturing Committee

13 Scouter Skills Resources for Scouter Skills ( More Questions – Contact Justin Day – Patriot District Training Contact (District Vice Chair of Training) Look for Training Opportunities in the Patriot Press Training Awards & Keys - designed to recognize unit Scouters for tenure, training, and performance in their leadership roles

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