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US Interests and Regional Issues in Africa

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1 US Interests and Regional Issues in Africa

2 Warm-Up Questions CPS Questions (1 - 2) Chapter 3, Lesson 5

3 Overview The challenges of resources and commerce in the regions of Africa Immigration trends associated with Africa Challenges associated with pirating and lawlessness in Somalia US and European development efforts in Africa Chapter 3, Lesson 5

4 Quick Write What do you think the authorities should do
about the oil-field violence in the Niger Delta? (Note to teacher: Use “Pick a Student” button in CPS) Chapter 3, Lesson 5

5 The Challenges of Resources and Commerce in the Regions of Africa
The US is Nigeria’s largest foreign investor During the 1970s oil boom, Nigeria fell into an unhealthy dependence on oil Meanwhile, the presence of the foreign oil companies in Nigeria is a source of ongoing trouble Robert Harbison/ © 1990 The Christian Science Monitor Chapter 3, Lesson 5

6 African nations have large debts because of:
The Challenges of Resources and Commerce in the Regions of Africa, cont. African nations have large debts because of: Corruption Oil shocks Falling prices for African exports Increased government spending Finding a way to lift this weight from Africa’s shoulders would help lead the continent out of poverty Chapter 3, Lesson 5

7 The Challenges of Resources and Commerce in the Regions of Africa, cont.
The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has opened US markets to African goods It’s helped increase trade between the United States and Africa Mary Knox Merrill / © 2009 The Christian Science Monitor Chapter 3, Lesson 5

8 Immigration Trends Associated With Africa
Africans arriving in the US at an annual rate of about 50,000 Flow began in the 1970s with refugees from Ethiopia and Somalia Now fewer are refugees Mary Knox Merrill / © 2008 The Christian Science Monitor Chapter 3, Lesson 5

9 Immigration Trends Associated With Africa, cont.
African immigrants tend to gather in the very biggest cities, notably New York Tensions sometimes arise when they compete with native-born people for jobs The newcomers are redefining the term “African-American” Robert Harbison / © 2003 The Christian Science Monitor Chapter 3, Lesson 5

10 Immigration Trends Associated With Africa, cont.
Africa is losing the people it needs most The United Nations now considers brain drain “one of the great obstacles to Africa’s development” Brain drain means that African countries get little return on their investment in higher education Chapter 3, Lesson 5 Melanie Stetson Freeman / © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor

11 Challenges Associated With Piracy and Lawlessness in Somalia
Piracy became a problem during the Somali civil war in the 1990s Piracy off Somalia’s coast raises two major concerns: First, Islamist terrorists might work with Somali pirates to plant bombs Second, piracy in Somalia complicates delivery of food Chapter 3, Lesson 5 Andy Nelson / © 2002 The Christian Science Monitor

12 Challenges Associated With Piracy and Lawlessness in Somalia, cont.
Somali piracy is a concern because it interferes with US trade with other African countries It endangers the lives of American and other sailors  And it takes place so close to the Persian Gulf’s critical oil-shipping lanes that it threatens to drive up the price of oil Chapter 3, Lesson 5

13 Challenges Associated With Piracy and Lawlessness in Somalia, cont.
US government is working with the international community to fight piracy  US Navy ships, along with those of other nations, patrol off Africa’s coast The US government took the lead in setting up an International Contact Group to fight piracy Chapter 3, Lesson 5

14 US and European Development Efforts in Africa
One group believes Africa should fight “poverty first”  The “governance first” camp says the onus—the burden, or the responsibility—is on Africans, not outsiders  A third camp believes in aid, but insists that accountability is key Andy Nelson / © 2002 The Christian Science Monitor Chapter 3, Lesson 5

15 US and European Development Efforts in Africa, cont.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of the United Nations A group of eight goals that 189 UN member countries adopted Meant to respond to the world’s major development challenges Mary Knox Merrill / © 2009 The Christian Science Monitor Chapter 3, Lesson 5

16 Hunger and Famine in Africa Video
What causes so much hunger and famine in Africa? Chapter 3, Lesson 5

17 Hunger and Famine in Africa Video
Chapter 3, Lesson 5

18 US and European Development Efforts in Africa, cont.
The Millennium Development Goals call for cutting poverty in half “Full and productive employment and decent work for all” Cut in half proportion of people who suffer from hunger The Presidential Initiative to End Hunger in Africa (IEHA) seeks to bolster Africa’s agricultural sector, especially small farmers Chapter 3, Lesson 5

19 US and European Development Efforts in Africa, cont.
Africa has some of the lowest rates of primary school enrollment in the world Schooling for girls is a particular problem The African Educational Initiative (AEI) seeks to provide 550,000 scholarships by 2010 Andy Nelson / © 2001 The Christian Science Monitor Chapter 3, Lesson 5

20 Learning Check CPS Questions (3 - 4) Chapter 3, Lesson 5

21 Activity 1: US Interests and Regional Issues in Africa Review
Complete the crossword puzzle using vocabulary from this lesson. Chapter 3, Lesson 5

22 Activity 2: Analyzing “To Aid or Not To Aid”
Formulate your opinions and write two reasons to support aid and two reasons not to support aid. Chapter 3, Lesson 5

23 Activity 3: “To Aid or Not To Aid” – Building Consensus
In groups, share your reasons to support aid and your reasons not to support aid. As a group, come to a consensus about whether or not to support aid. Chapter 3, Lesson 5

24 Technology Enrichment: Somali Piracy
Explore the BBC website section “Somali Piracy: Global Map” Create a list detailing at least three problems/and or solutions relating to Somali piracy Chapter 3, Lesson 5

25 Review Some say that finding a way to lift the weight of debt from Africa’s shoulders would help lead the continent out of poverty Africa is losing the people it needs most Another African challenge to US interests is the piracy that has broken out along the coast of Somalia The Millennium Development Goals of the UN supports efforts to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger and enhance education levels in Africa Chapter 3, Lesson 5

26 Review Questions CPS Questions (5 - 6) Chapter 3, Lesson 5

27 Summary The challenges of resources and commerce in the regions of Africa Immigration trends associated with Africa Challenges associated with pirating and lawlessness in Somalia US and European development efforts in Africa Chapter 3, Lesson 5

28 Next…. Today—US Interests and Regional Issues in Africa
Next—Russia and the Former Soviet Republics: An Introduction Chapter 3, Lesson 5 Robert Harbison / © 1997 The Christian Science Monitor

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