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Reaching Forward To What Is Ahead Philippians 3:12-16.

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2 Reaching Forward To What Is Ahead Philippians 3:12-16

3 Past, Present, and Future
Challenge: To think rightly about all three

4 Strong Language Philippians 3:13 -- Reaching Forward
Straining every nerve for that which lies in front –TCNT Stretching out to the things that are before – BBE Straining forward to what lies ahead – ESV Struggling for what is ahead – CEV All showing a vigorous pursuit

5 the point aimed at as a limit,
Reaching for the “End” 1 Peter 1:9 The Christian doesn’t dread death anymore than a runner dreads the finish line Telos (end) the point aimed at as a limit, i.e. the conclusion of an act or state

6 Passages Utilizing “Telos”
Romans 6:22 Hebrews 3:6 Hebrews 3:14 1 Peter 4:7 Revelation 2:26 All emphasize “reaching forward”

7 Healthy Attitude Toward The Future
The next step is the most important The best is yet to come (Rom. 8:18) Heaven is worth whatever it takes (Phil. 3:7-11)

8 Let’s Not Forget Today We must be more than “dreamers”
While our THINKING must be toward the future, our DOING must be done today We must be more than “dreamers”

9 Healthy Attitude Toward The Future
Putting the EMPHASIS in the right place Adopting a basic PERSPECTIVE The example of Jesus (Phil. 2:5 {in view of} Heb. 12:2) What is ahead is the greatest!

10 To depart and be with Christ
Do We Really Believe It? To depart and be with Christ …is far better Philippians 1:23

11 Where Is My Aim? Do I desire only God’s glory?
Philippians 1:20-21 Am I comfortable with God’s rule and righteousness? Matthew 6:33 Do I long to be with Christ, face to face? John 14:1-3 Do I groan for heaven? 2 Corinthians 5:2


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