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Active Labour Market Policies

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1 Active Labour Market Policies
Marinella COLUCCI ANPAL Component One Training Course Rome, 18th October 2018

2 Other public and private bodies
An overview to the ALMPs System Coordinates the system Defines common tools Monitor performances Manages specific programmes ANPAL Define regional programs for active labour market policies Manage PES Offices Regions Social Security Institute Bilateral Funds PRES Chambers of Commerce INAPP INAIL Other public and private bodies

3 Youth Guarantee as an experimental laboratory
Quantitative profiling Standard of services Standard of costs Result-based measures IT cooperation with regions Results of the YG Programme (data at 31/12/2017): 1,250 milions of NEETs registered 1,022 milions of NEETs who has signed the service pact (activation program) (81,9% of the registered) 547 thousands registered that have started an ALMP measure (53,5% of the NEETs that have signed the pact)

4 Definition of common tools
ANPAL Competences 1/2 The new unemployment benefit scheme (NASpI) PES, including those for disabled; ESF programming Coordination Service standards Profiling methodologies Employment voucher IT system for ALMP Definition of common tools National Operation Programmes (cofinanced by the ESF) Programmes for crisis management Experimental ALMP programmes Programmes aimed at improving regional performances Management Bilateral Funds for the training of workers Monitoring

5 ANPAL Competences 2/2 Coordination of the National ALMPs network
Profiling of joobseekers (quantitative and e qualitative) Standard of services Standard of costs Definition of common methodologies Did on line Re-placement voucher Conditionalities Compulsory communication for contracts IT System Employment incentives Direct projects

6 National Network of services for employment policies
Regions Chambers of Commerce ANPAL Interprofessional/ bilateral Funds INPS INAPP INAIL PES

7 The Strategic Plan for strengthening PES and ALMP
Common tools for supporting PES activity IT systems integration New hirings (1 600 new case managers) Training for PES officers Development of services for employers December 2017: Approval of the Plan and approval of the essential level of performances (LEP), in agreement with regions

8 Some information on PES staff (in local offices)
AREA Total of staff front-office (%) external (%) NORD 2.453 86,0 6,7 CENTRO 2.033 84,4 19,6 SUD 3.703 82,0 0,5 TOTALE ITALIA 8.189 83,8 7,1 Study titles Sud e Isole Centro Nord Est Nord Ovest Total Secondary school 15,7% 9,2% 8,6% 11,7% 11,3% Diploma (high school) 78,1% 63,3% 62,0% 66,5% 67,6% Post diploma title 17,4% 35,2% 36,9% 30,7% 30,0% ND 4,4% 1,3% 1,1% 2,9% 2,4% 100,0% 10%

9 How much we spend on ALMPs
Voci di spesa Importo stimato (mln. €) Staff 370,00 Functioning 60,00 Policies (ESF programmes) 1.300,00 ALMP National Fund (average ) 105,00 Total 2.086,00 % on GDP 0,12% Total of ALMPs (% on GDP 2016) 0,40%

10 Main issues for the introduction of common tools

11 Ongoing activities and next steps…
Benchlearning activites with regions/local PES National strategy of PES for employers National strategy for LTU IT unified system Evaluation of the pilot project of PIAAC on-line tool Conditionality mechanisms Implementation of a training program for PES staff (in accordance with ANPAL Servizi) Youth Guarantee phase 2 Re-placement voucher for beneficiaries of social shock absorbers (CIGS)

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