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Welcome to class of Services Marketing by Dr

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1 Welcome to class of Services Marketing by Dr
Welcome to class of Services Marketing by Dr. Satyendra Singh Professor, Marketing and International Business University of Winnipeg Canada

2 Product Components for Adaptation

3 Product Component for Adaptation
Support Services Component (increase life) Repair and Maintenance Instruction Manuals characters Installation instructions audio

4 Services Product: value physical Appearance
Services (consumer/industrial): ValueProcess Services are major of world business Service/total export= 30% in UK--highest CanadaAgri, eng, insurance, r&d, mgmt. Consulting… Definition of Services Intangibility Insurance, dry cleaning, hotel Inseparability Production and consumption is simultaneous Heterogeneity Individually produced, slight variation Perishability Cannot be stored


6 Barriers to Entering International Services Markets
Protectionism Professional pass certification exam in local language Recognition of foreign credentials Restricted movement of people Intellectual Property Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIP)/GATTimplemented Piracy—India, China Data Transfer Across Borders Individual data e.g. consumer preferences, insurance Cultural Barriers Smile while serving, talking in the class, tip x% in the USA, round fig. In EU, No tip in China! Long vacation packages for Japanese (10 days) vs. Las Vegas – 4 days

7 Opportunities in International Services Markets
Insurance ATM Cable TV Sports Events Beijing Toronto International Hospital Higher Education Demand (MBA) in India Call Centres After-Sales Services (SAS) Standard Aero– spare engine while plane under repair! P&G train superstore mgrs – ordering cycles and shelf stocking Firms need to be responsive Multi-site service centre – industrial products Include local firms to improve SAS

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