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Learn local bird songs with the Ottawa Bird Count

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Presentation on theme: "Learn local bird songs with the Ottawa Bird Count"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn local bird songs with the Ottawa Bird Count
Chirps, Tweets, and Trills Learn local bird songs with the Ottawa Bird Count A Volunteer Based, Scientifically Rigorous Survey of Birds in an Expanding City

2 Today More tricks for learning Review of first 30 songs Field Guides
Four letter codes 13 new “songs” Woodpeckers Thrushes Wrens Miscellany

3 Today Characteristics of a bird’s sound Tone (Voice)
Whistle Black-capped Chickadee, Mourning Dove, White-throated Sparrow Nasal Nuthatches, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Throaty Pied-billed Grebe, American Bittern Buzzy Alder Flycatcher, Common Nighthawk Chip Least Flycatcher, Chickadee, Chimney Swift Trill Chipping Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco Harsh Red-tailed Hawk, Blue Jay Flute-like Hermit Thrush Liquid Brown-headed Cowbird Pops, squeaks, creaks, “cheeky” European Starling, Barn Swallow, Cliff Swallow

4 Today Characteristics of a bird’s sound Tone (Voice) Tempo Pitch
Fast vs slow (Winter Wren vs White-throated Sparrow) Trend in tempo (Field Sparrow, House Finch) Pitch High or low (Cedar Waxwing vs Mourning Dove) Trend in pitch (Downy Woodpecker, Eastern Wood-Pewee) Repetition (Brown Thrasher, Indigo Bunting) Sections (Song Sparrow, Nashville Warbler)

5 Field Guides (Paper…) Test drive your neighbour’s guide
No photos – drawings are better Range maps are a must Consider size (some are big) My favorites (not necessarily yours): Sibley National Geographic Test drive your neighbour’s guide Ask at Wild Birds Unlimited





10 Four Letter Codes Quick way of recording observations
First two letters of first and last names AMRO = AMerican RObin WISN = WIlson’s SNipe BCCH = Black-Capped CHickadee GHOW = Great-Horned Owl Usually… TRSW = TRee Swallow? or TRumpeter Swan? EASO = Eastern Screech-Owl NHOW = Northern Hawk Owl If in doubt…

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