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Aim: How do we solve static equilibrium problems?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How do we solve static equilibrium problems?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How do we solve static equilibrium problems?

2 Static Equilibrium An object is in static equilibrium when it is at rest. What will the net force acting on the object in the x direction have to be? What will the net force acting on the object in the y direction have to be?

3 Tips for Solving Problems involving Static Equilibrium
Draw freebody diagram showing all forces acting on object. Write equation for net force in the y direction. Write equation for net force in the x direction. Solve for unknowns.

4 Ex1-Picture Hanging A picture weighing 100 N is supported by two wires with tensions T1 and T2. Find each tension. T1 = 50 N and T2 = 85.0 N


6 Ex2-Stoplight A traffic light is supported by two wires. Find the tension in each wire. The stoplight has a mass of 30 kg.


8 Ex3- Three wire The tension in wire A is 70 N. Find the tension in wires B and C. Find angle ϴ C = 50 N , theta = 45 degrees, B = 49N


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