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Instructor Led  Video Training

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1 Instructor Led  Video Training
Development Notes:

2 Overview Video Training Build Team Client Client Build team

3 Video Training Transformation Process
Overview Assertion of IP & copyrights (required) Syllabus (required) Courseware Presentation Material (required) Quizzes & Exercises (required) Instructor’s Guide (required) Student Manual (optional) Handouts (optional) Accreditation Requirements (optional) Course Type Commercial (white label) Commercial-Proprietary (branded) Non-commercial-Proprietary (branded) Syllabus/Courseware Map (client) Subject Matter Expert (client) Video Lecturer (client/optional) Video Training Transformation Process Course Storyboard Portal Curricula Video Player Video Course

4 Client Components

5 Client Components Assertion of IP & copyrights (required)
Syllabus (required) Courseware presentation material (required) Quizzes & exercises (required) Instructor’s guide (required) Student manual (optional) Handouts (optional) Accreditation/certification requirements (optional)

6 Assertion of IP & Copyrights (Required)
Positive assertion of client’s ownership of IP Positive assertion of client’s license to use Copyrighted material Embedded reference material Detailed listing of IP & copyright material Required as part of Statement of Work (SoW) Indemnification of itSM solutions & Career Academy

7 Syllabus (Required) Written syllabus Target audience
Prerequisite/entry criteria Exam eligibility (optional) Learning units (1 or more) Detailed learning objectives by learning unit Chapter (required) Lesson (optional) Qualification learning objectives (optional) Description of difficulty (i.e. Blooms level) Quality improvement Lecture, quizzes & exercises Format of the exam (optional) Trainer qualification Approved delivery structure Terminology list (optional if not tested)

8 Courseware Presentation Material (Required)
Stylesheet White label Branded Material used to display courseware in classroom Format – Microsoft PowerPoint (required) Clearly defined learning units Chapter w/learning objectives Lesson w/learning objectives (optional) Topic (usually each slide)

9 Quizzes & Exercises (Required)
End of unit (required) Scored – established passing score required to receive unit credit Rationale – correct answer and why wrong answers were wrong Inline (optional) Non-scored Engage student during lecture Ensure key concepts are checked prior to moving on Exercises (optional) Format; Inline, end of unit & offline activity Answer is an “optimal” solution & rationale

10 Instructor’s Guide (Required)
Detailed guide for the instructor’s presentation Context Topic (detailed treatment of a topic) Specifics Notable concepts, issues, etc. Reference each module to the syllabus Chapter (general inclusive reference) Lesson (specific inclusive reference) Topic (specific reference) Delivery medium specifics (things unique to the medium) Instructor led classroom (optional) Instructor led web (optional) Self-paced video (required)

11 Student Manual (Optional)
Student Manual in electronic format Must be able to be converted to; PDF Flash Explicit acceptance of DMR limitations Manual components (best practices) Acknowledgement Table of Contents Chapters/lessons/topics Appendix Glossary of terms

12 Handouts (Optional) Handout(s) in electronic form
Downloadable Printable Sequenced in order of use (i.e. “Handout #1) Linked to the syllabus Called out on the syllabus map Usage of all handouts must be documented Annotated on the storyboard When to use Instructor’s guide How to use

13 Accreditation/certification Requirements (optional)
Documented requirements for “distance learning” Specific requirements to achieve accreditation Training provider Courseware Instructor Delivery platform Access Student support Specific requirements for students to achieve certification Attendance/participation/completion, etc. End of unit quiz passing grade

14 Build Team

15 Map syllabus to courseware (client) Provide subject matter expert
Build Team Determine course type Commercial (white label) Commercial-proprietary (branded) Non-commercial-proprietary (branded) Map syllabus to courseware (client) Provide subject matter expert Provide video lecturer (client/optional) Create the storyboard

16 Course Type Commercial (white label) Commercial-proprietary (branded)
Available via the entire partner network Uses “white label” stylesheet Commercial-proprietary (branded) Available only via the client Uses client’s stylesheet Non-commercial-proprietary (branded) Intended for internal client consumption

17 Map Syllabus to Courseware
Inputs Current courseware syllabus Current courseware Subject matter expert Map syllabus to courseware Chapter (high-level learning unit) Lesson (mid-level learning unit) Topic (“atomic” learning unit) Identify multi-use topics Create a learning unit reuse matrix Detail to the topic level

18 Subject Matter Expert Ensure courseware content accuracy
Perform courseware QA Accuracy (errors & omissions) Completeness (conformance to the syllabus) Consistency (between different delivery media) Ensure instructor’s adherence to delivery guidance Act as video lecture (optional) Deliver audio & video recorded lecture

19 Video Lecturer Deliver courseware lecture Possess all requisite
Study & understand subject matter Study & rehearse delivery of courseware content Use instructor’s guide Use storyboard Possess all requisite Subject matter expertise Required accreditations Required certifications

20 Video Courseware

21 Video Courseware Course storyboard Portal Curricula Video player

22 Storyboard Define, detail & direct Location of embedded materials
Course structure (chapter, lesson, topics) Delivery of each topic Slide w/audio & active illustration Slide w/video of instructor Slide w/inline quiz or exercise End of learning unit quiz Location of embedded materials Workbook How to use (optional) Student manual (optional) Quiz or exercise booklet (optional) Official sample papers (optional)

23 Portal Develop portal policy (SoW) Function Portal customization
Provide enablement of students Outsource Internal Self Performance monitoring Define reporting requirements Design reports Execution & distribution of reports Provide access Student Administration Portal customization Content Layout Navigation Branding

24 Curricula Define policy Determine administration process
Establish curricula Course naming convention & identification Individual course structure Define maintenance & reporting requirements

25 Video Player Container for the online streaming of courseware Platform
Plays within an instance of a browser window Platform Windows iOS Android Technical support

26 Video Course Portal (enable, monitor & access) Curricula Course player
Chapter, lesson, topics Course player Learning units Audio & video files Presentation materials Student quizzes & exercises Appendix Syllabus Glossary of terms Handouts Other distributable components

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