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The 5 Principles of Training

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Presentation on theme: "The 5 Principles of Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 5 Principles of Training
How to improve your physical fitness

2 Review: The 5 Components of Fitness
Muscular strength Muscular endurance Cardiovascular endurance Flexibility Body composition

3 Why the 5 Principles of Training Matter…
The 5 training principles provide a blueprint on how to improve in any of the 5 components of fitness

4 The 5 Principles of Training
Specificity Overload Progression Recovery Reversibility

5 1. Specificity The types of exercises chosen will determine the kinds of fitness improvements For example, a student who wants to improve their muscular strength would weightlift

6 1. Specificity BOTTOM LINE
To achieve your fitness training goal, you need to design your program so that you are working the specific areas of your body that you want to improve BENEFIT You'll get specific results where you want them

7 2. Overload In order to make improvements in any component of fitness, you need to overload your body In other words, you need to challenge your body beyond what it is normally used to For example, if you run for 10 minutes and find it difficult, your body will make improvements while you rest The next time you run for 10 minutes, it will be a little bit easier You need to subject your body to a gradual and progressive overload - your workouts should slowly (but surely) get more difficult over time.

8 Frequency Intensity Time Type 2. Overload
What is the best way to “overload” our body? The FITT Principle Frequency Intensity Time Type

9 Frequency – how many days per week you train
The FITT Principle Frequency – how many days per week you train Intensity – how hard one exercises in the activity RPE: rating of perceived exertion Perceive: how you interpret something (opinion) Exertion: physical effort

10 Simply put, rating of perceived exertion is your personal opinion of how hard you are physically working

11 Frequency – how many days per week
The FITT Principle Frequency – how many days per week Intensity – how hard one exercises in the activity (RPE: rating of perceived exertion) Time – how long the exercise session lasts Type – the type of activity or exercise, focusing on the fitness goal (e.g., jogging for cardio endurance) Increasing any of these variables can result in improvement

12 Example: Wanting to Improve Cardiovascular Fitness
Frequency – 3 times per week Intensity – an RPE of 5-6

13 Simply put, rating of perceived exertion is your personal opinion of how hard you are physically working

14 Example: Wanting to Improve Cardiovascular Fitness
Frequency – 3 times per week Intensity – an RPE of 5-6 Time – 30 minutes per session Type – jogging What do we do once this becomes “easy”? We can increase or modify any of these areas, which will place more demands on our body and force it to adapt yet again

15 2. Overload BOTTOM LINE You need to subject your body to gradual and progressive overload. In other words, make sure your workouts slowly but surely get harder over time BENEFIT You are guaranteed to improve over time by using the FITT principle

16 3. Progression…

17 3. Progression Progression is all about small increments
You need to gradually increase the workload that you put your body through in order to improve Start slowly and gradually increase the workload over time to ensure safety and avoid injury or overuse

18 4. Recovery Recovery is all about giving your body the chance to repair itself by giving it rest Depending on how hard you are training, this means at least 1-2 days Able to exercise at a high(er) intensity the next time Lessen your risk of overtraining and injury

19 5. Reversibility… What to do if you get sick? Injured? Busy?

20 5. Reversibility “Use it or lose it”
Just like you can improve in any component of fitness by training, these same improvements can also be REVERSED by not training If you stop exercising, gradually the improvements that you initially made begin to disappear Important to stick with exercise programs, and adapt or modify when necessary What to do if you get sick? Injured? Busy?

21 5. Reversibility BOTTOM LINE
Plan for the worst. Build some emergency mini-workouts which you can do when you are short on time, sick, stressed, etc. BENEFIT Stops your hard earned progress from disappearing into thin air

22 Recap: The 5 Principles of Training
How to improve your physical fitness

23 Review: The 5 Components of Fitness
Muscular strength Muscular endurance Cardiovascular endurance Flexibility Body composition

24 Why the 5 Principles of Training Matter…
The 5 training principles provide a blueprint on how to improve in any of the 5 components of fitness

25 The 5 Principles of Training
Specificity To develop a particular component of fitness, perform exercises that specifically target that component Overload Challenge your body beyond what it is used to FITT principle Progression Slowly and gradually increase the workload you put on your body Recovery Let your body recover in-between workouts (1-2 days) Reversibility Fitness improvements are lost when demands on the body are lowered

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