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Presentation on theme: "Mind Stretcher NO DEVICES IN THE CLASSROOM!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mind Stretcher 4-30-18 NO DEVICES IN THE CLASSROOM!!!
The division of organisms into groups, or classes, based on specific characteristics. Taxonomy or Classification? The SCIENCE of describing, classifying, and naming organisms. Mind Stretcher

2 REVIEW DISCUSSION… Raise your hand to answer!
What was the Mnemonic sentence we use to remember the 8 levels of classification? How many Kingdoms? REVIEW DISCUSSION… Raise your hand to answer! Doctor King Phillip Came Over For Grape Soda Which of these levels makes up the scientific name? Genus & Species How many Domains are there today? 3- Eukarya, Bacteria & Archaea 6- plantae, animalia, protists, eubacteria, archaebacteria, fungi

3 What is one reason for the need to create more kingdoms?
REVIEW DISCUSSION New organisms are discovered and don’t fit into current classification levels What are dichotomous keys? Series of PAIRED descriptive statements What is the purpose of dichotomous keys? To IDENTIFY and unknown organism Where do we always begin with using a dichotomous key? At the beginning with 1a & 1b

4 2 1 Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction REVIEW DISCUSSION
How many parent(s) are needed for SEXUAL reproduction? 2 REVIEW DISCUSSION How many parent(s) are needed for ASEXUAL reproduction? 1 Which type of reproduction increases genetic diversity? (variations in traits) Sexual reproduction Which type of reproduction creates offspring IDENTICAL to parent(s)? Asexual reproduction

5 Review types of Reproduction…
Binary Fission Budding Fragmentation Pollination Fertilization

6 Time for the Test NO DEVICES in the classroom!
Clear desk for the test…NOTHING on it but a pencil and a divider, please Read each question carefully & CHECK your scantron before turning test in to teacher Complete PRETEST on scantron only!! (You may skip question if you don’t know the answer on PRETEST) Finished? Read Ch. 7 Time for the Test

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