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TopCoder : Developing Software through Crowdsourcing

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1 TopCoder : Developing Software through Crowdsourcing
Karim R. Lakhani, David A. Garvin, Eric Lonstein Harvard Business School 31 May 2012 Yalçın YENİGÜN November 2013

2 Managing TopCoder The Supply Side :
George Tsipolitis (Vice President) : «When you are managing a community, you are no longer managing indivituals. We can’t control individuals, we can only control the process of their participation.» Risk: The community could be unforgiven

3 Managing TopCoder Attraction:
TopCoder needed to have access to a critical mass of talent and coding capacity. Solutions: Algorithm contests Paying for Google keyword searches using terms such as «design contests» Member development days at international universities

4 Managing TopCoder Norms:
TopCoder had to maintain the highest standarts of contest integrity, fairness, transparency and quality. Ex: No tolerance to cheating Using unauthorized code = eliminating from contest Contest transparency: Storing all contests and statistics in a dataware house

5 Managing TopCoder Governance:
TopCoder executives are responsible for final decisions Executives got feedback from community by forums Disagreement between contestant & reviewer: TopCoder employee and contestant investigated

6 Managing TopCoder Resource allocation:
Controlling contest participation Run contests concurrently Not to act like a community boss Hughes : «We don’t own this community. We want people to be here when they want to be here.»

7 Managing TopCoder Retention:
TopCoder supply community members with consistent work streams and prize money Get feedback for contests Flexible working hours Members can also develop TopCoder’s internal systems

8 Managing TopCoder The Demand Side : Platform Managers:
Provide project status updates to clients Make suggestions for contest prize amounts Define contest requirements Support role after delivery High Cost ($ for year)

9 Managing TopCoder The Demand Side : TopCoder Direct:
Client used the company’s platform with little or no intervention (self-service) Platform managers: educate clients to use platform Platform managers: co-pilot Reduce platform manager cost

10 Future 2010 : revenue doubled Competitions increased 30%
members Contract with NASA TopCoder Direct : driving 2010’s success 2011 : more than members Experienced copilots

11 Future RentACoder, Elance, oDesk: buy talent approach
Offering more money would increase participation What would happen if TopCoder clients expanded? What would happen if a company like Accenture started to develop software in the same way as TopCoder? Would the TopCoder community remain intact?

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