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Controller interfaces

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1 Controller interfaces
Connecting peripherals to the Motion Coordinator

2 Motors – Pulse and direction output
Stepper drives or Servo drives No feedback Flexible axis ports set as outputs by ATYPE (MC_CONFIG) WDOG relay to be used as part of a safety/ enable circuit Watchdog Relay Pulse and Direction out x 5

3 Motors – Pulse and direction output
Variable pulse width based on frequency No feedback – no closed loop Maximum 2MHz pulse frequency Internal count is 16 * pulse output – smoother pulses

4 Motors – Closed loop servo
Watchdog Relay Servo drives ±10V DAC demand signal Speed Torque Feedback Incremental encoder Absolute encoder Analogue feedback Flexible axis ports set as input by ATYPE (MC_CONFIG) WDOG relay to be used as part of a safety/ enable circuit Analogue inputs DAC Outputs Incremental or absolute encoder inputs

5 Motors – Closed loop servo
12bit or 16bit DAC Direction can be reversed in software Dead zones can be applied for Piezo motor systems

6 Motors – Closed loop servo
Incremental Encoder Typically uses a RS422 Differential line driver output Has an A & B sensor at 90 degrees displacement Maximum edge rate of 6Mhz (limits speed or resolution) Controller counts are 4 * encoder lines Encoder Lines A Encoder Read head B 4 x 2 = 8 Pulses 6

7 Motors – Closed loop servo
Absolute Encoders Absolute position comes from the encoder on power up This is based on a coded bit pattern on the optical disc Resolution of position is based on bit count. Eg 24 Bit encoder offers 224 = 16,777,216 pulses Position data is transmitted in serial form to the controller. The controller requests the current position once per servo cycle. Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI)

8 Motors – Closed loop servo
Analogue feedback Analogue feedback is often used in limited travel applications Provides an absolute feedback as a voltage Resolution is based on length of travel and analogue bit resolution Typical analogue input is 12 bits This provides 212 = 4095 increments 100mm travel provides 100/4095 = mm resolution 8

9 Motors – Digital drive interface
Servo drives or stepper drives Numerical demand signal Position Speed Torque Outputs Parameters (limits, IO setup etc) Feedback Current Captured positions (touch probe) Digital/ Analogue inputs WDOG relay to be used as part of a safety/ enable circuit Digital drive interface Watchdog Relay

10 Power 24V Logic and CAN + - Isolated power terminals for different sections of the controller Isolated or filtered 0V for signal noise reduction 24V supplies need to be regulated 18V to 29V d.c Different controllers have different 24V power terminals 24V I/O and DAC

11 Input and output 8 x Hi Level (PNP) Inputs
Can bus 8 x Hi Level (PNP) Inputs 8 x Bi-Directional Sourcing (PNP) Outputs or Hi Level Inputs (4 on the MC403) 2 x 12 bit 0-10V Analogue Inputs Any DAC outputs not used for servo control can be used as regular 12 bit ±10V outputs CAN connector for additional I/O Digital I/O Digital Inputs Analogue inputs DAC Outputs

12 Communications and extra memory
Ethernet Motion Perfect v3 UNIPLAY HMI TextFileLoader TrioPC ActiveX Modbus TCP Ethernet IP UDP RS232 and RS485 serial ports Modbus RTU Omron Hostlink User programmed Serial Ports Ethernet Port Micro SD card slot

13 Digital and analogue I/O
Inputs and Outputs Digital and analogue I/O

14 All Motion Coordinators have some IO capability
Can bus Example: MC405 8 x Hi Level (PNP) Inputs 8 x Bi-Directional Sourcing (PNP) Outputs or Hi Level Inputs 2 x 12 bit 0-10V Analogue Inputs 4 x Analogue outputs 12 bit ±10V outputs CAN connector for additional I/O Digital I/O Digital Inputs Analogue inputs AnalgoueOutputs

15 Programming Inputs and Outputs
I/O is accessed using IN and OP commands in BASIC IN(number) Returns the state of the numbered input IN(start, end) Returns a binary value of input range OP(number, state) Sets an output to the defined state OP(start, end, bit_pattern) Sets a range of outputs READ_OP(number) Returns the state of the output logic READ_OP(start, end) Returns a binary value of output bits

16 Programming Inputs and Outputs
Set an output OP(10, ON) OP(8, 1) ' ON is same as 1. OFF is same as 0 Read an input input_state = IN(5) ' value will be 0 or 1 IF IN(15)=ON THEN ' Make a decision depending on an input WAIT UNTIL IN(3)=OFF ' program pauses until input is OFF

17 CANbus I/O expansion I/O be extended by using Trio CAN IO modules
Program simply addresses new I/O IN(16) to IN(31) IN(32) to IN(47) Outputs: OP(35, ON) OP(16, OFF) Up to 256 additional digital inputs Up to 256 additional digital outputs Bi-directional module uses 16 IN and 16 OP

18 Input / Output on MC4N-ECAT
CANbus Expansion port MC4N-ECAT has CANbus and EtherCAT expansion for Input / Output Max Digital Inputs: 1024 Max Digital Outputs: 1024 Combined internal + CAN + EtherCAT EtherCAT Expansion port Digital Inputs Digital I/O

19 EtherCAT I/O expansion
I/O extended by using Trio Flexslice modules New I/O addresses added automatically For example IN(129), IN(982) etc. OP(300, ON), OP(26, OFF) Up to 1008 additional digital inputs Up to 1008 additional digital outputs

20 * Expert tip - IOMAP

21 MPv4 IO display

22 Analogue Inputs and Outputs
Analogue I/O is accessed using AIN and AOUT commands in BASIC value = AIN(number) Returns the value of the numbered analogue input AOUT(number) = value Sets an analogue output to the defined value AIN ranges: AIN(32) .. AIN(33) Built-in analogue inputs (MC405) AIN(0) .. AIN(31) CAN Analogue / Flexslice Analogue AOUT ranges: AOUT(0) .. AOUT(15) CAN Analogue outputs AOUT(0) .. AOUT(31) Flexslice Analogue outputs

23 Programming Inputs and Outputs
Set an output OP(10, ON) OP(8, 1) ' ON is same as 1. OFF is same as 0 Read an input input_state = IN(5) ' value will be 0 or 1 IF IN(15)=ON THEN ' Make a decision depending on an input WAIT UNTIL IN(3)=OFF ' program pauses until input is OFF

24 Full connection information
Quick start guide Included with every product Can be downloaded from Hardware technical manual

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