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Published byEsther Sáez Modified over 6 years ago
Caring for someone with an (severe or enduring) eating disorder
Understanding the psychology, looking after yourself, and the physical risks Dr Calum Munro, Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, Eating Disorders Care Collective & Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
Introduction & Plan Conflict of interest Outline for talk
A holistic psychological understanding of (severe) eating disorders 25mins & 15 mins discussion ‘Stuckness’ or change & providing care and looking after yourself The physical risks of eating disorders – evidence & experience 20mins & 15 mins discussion Happy to share my slides with anyone who wants them I worked in the ANITT team in Edinburgh which is an intensive community treatment team for people with severe AN when Fiona Duffy asked me to come and speak to carers for SEDIG, but a few months ago I left the NHS and I’m now in the process of setting up a social enterprise to treat people with eating disorders and support carers – so now I’m working independently, I needed to declare that conflict of interest at the start That aside my main aim today is to try to help you with developing your psychological understanding of what is going on for your loved ones with an eating disorder and hopefully a bit on thinking psycholgically about your role as a carer and how to look after your needs too. I guess I’ve been struck by carers I’ve met and in the media recently feeling they don’t have a good enough understanding of how an eating disorder works, which frustrates me because I feel it they are understandeable disorders and it should be possible for professionals to help carers understand them well enough. I guess I see understanding how the eating disorder functions as one of the key ingredients in helping someone overcome it.
A holistic psychological understanding of eating disorders
Section 1: A holistic psychological understanding of eating disorders So I am going to fire through three main concepts which are the building blocks for understanding an eating disorder in 25 minutes if I can and then we can discuss if any of that makes sense to you…. don’t worry if you miss things there’s a handout with a bit more detail.
Concept 1: Universal Core Needs
Maslow (1962) A hierarchy of physical & psychological needs Met needs = wellbeing & quality of life direct relationship Tay & Diener (2011) n=60,865 – huge study
Concept 1: Core Needs Framework
We all need a minimum of these needs to have reasonable physical and psychological health and wellbeing Eating disorders lead to distorted prioritising of the needs eg. need to try and feel in control/competent and activity are prioritised, but at the expense of almost complete neglect of the need for emotional nurturance or nutrition
Concept 2: Feelings as indicators of needs
By ‘feelings’ I mean emotional feelings eg. anxiety physical feelings eg. pain Oately & Johnson-Laird (2011) Communicative Theory of Emotions “signals that set body and mind into modes that have been shaped by evolution and individual experience to prompt a person towards certain types of action” A rapid response signalling system before thoughts drive action May be accurate or may be misleading ie. meeting needs or not So if this rapid response system works well you semi-automatically act on feelings and have an outcome which meets need But if feelings have become misleading, you may instinctively act in a way that doesn’t meet your needs A really basic example of this: going to cross the road glance each way see a car moving quickly fear of being injured/death – almost certainly completely sub-conscious makes you stop and wait semi-automatically So feeling of fear > drive to meet need to be physically safe > response + don’t walk out
Concept 2: Feelings as indicators of needs
Feelings indicating met needs: happy, calm, confident, secure, excited satisfied, relaxed, warm, strong, energetic Feelings indicating unmet needs: anxiety, anger, fear, disgust, shame hunger, pain, cold, tense, weak Feelings system can get mis-calibrated and become misleading Eg. hunger - anticipate pleasure - motivates eating – satisfaction Eg. hunger - anticipate anxiety/guilt - motivate avoidance of eating - reduced anxiety
Concept 2: Feelings as indicators of needs
Needs Met Needs Needs Unmet Feelings system well calibrated system mis-calibrated Thoughts Response/Action So to summarise….. I now that’s a lot of heavy psychology, somewhat over-simplified, but does that make some sense? So obviously these are general psychological concepts and apply to everyone – me you and people with mental health problems – so I will come back to carers thinkings about their needs, because this is juts as important if you want to help your loved one – in fact it’s essential – as well as thinking about their needs.
Concept 3: Psychological Modes
Putting this all together as a way of understanding how a person functions: Needs + feelings + thoughts + action = psychological mode Different sides of the self or different aspects of someone’s personality We need different aspects to ourselves because in different situations we need to act in different ways to meet our needs Eg. if someone comes in through the door and asks us if the room temperature is OK, I’m going to need a different mode to respond to that than if someone bursts in wielding a machete! So now I’m going to run through descriptions of 6 key psychological modes that happen in people with eating disorders – that are hopefully familiar in some ways
Vulnerable mode Experiencing vulnerable emotional and physical feelings Feeling insecure, unsettled, unsafe, anxious, vulnerable Feeling tired, weak, tense, hungry Feeling guilty, ashamed, inadequate Function: to make person aware of their unmet needs Without awareness, can’t meet needs Person with an eating disorder is ashamed of being vulnerable and needing something Desperately seeks to control or detach from this part of themselves Making them very difficult to reach emotionally
Vulnerable Mode This is the most important mode – it’s the emotional core of the eating disorder
Critical-Demanding mode
A key ‘coping’ mode in AN It criticises the person for being vulnerable, having needs You’re weak, pathetic, greedy, disgusting, stupid etc You’re not good enough, You don’t deserve it It’s function is to motivate the patient to ‘deal with’ vulnerable feelings themselves and keep them hidden from others You need to try harder Get a grip – don’t be so irrational
Critical-Demanding mode
Over-Controller mode The central coping mode in AN
Function is to control or avoid vulnerable feelings Involves obsessive planning, perfectionism, details Attempt to get things ‘right’ and avoid criticism or other risks Hypervigilance to potential threat or problems What if……. Just in case……. Operates in three realms Intra-personal: control of self and internal state eg. restrictive eating Inter-personal: control of others eg. pushing others to collude with their obsessionality to avoid distressing them Environmental: control of environment: eg. excessive cleaning/tidying
Over-Controller mode This drawing reflects one aspect of the over-controller mode to do with worrying – so worrying is a way of thinking to try and consciously deal with concerns and fears, that can become an excessive way of trying to control feelings and reduce anxiety and fear, but ends up with fears juts coming around again having not actually been dealt with.
Detached Avoidant Mode
Essentially an avoidance mode, avoiding awareness of vulnerability and uncomfortable feelings Function is to detach, numb, self-soothe, avoid getting distressed Directly through social withdrawal Indireclty through being inconspicuous/small/quiet Or internally through blocking out or cutting off from negative feelings starvation, repetitive behaviours and binging can all give feelings numbness/detachment Mentally avoiding/ignoring/denying vulnerable feelings when with others – pretending OK – ‘nothing to see here!’ If I was drawing this it would be like a big bubble around someone – or a big wall with vulnerable part hiding behind and a smiley face on the outside
Angry Misunderstood Mode
Arises usually from feelings of desperation Function is to force others to respond to their distress (vulnerable mode)and make them feel better, or, to make them back off Feels misunderstood and mistreated Critical and demanding of others – so often leads to angry battles with others Different from other modes as can make others feel responsible for their problems If help is offered, often rejected as not ‘right’ or not good enough Usually followed by shame and self-criticism
Excessive mode In people with binging problems – the side of them that can’t control their hunger after restricting and over-eats excessively Function as a basic ‘gut response’ to unmet need for nutrition Can feel rewarding, comforting initially (although this often denied) Then feels out-of-control, guilty and ashamed It is the most healthy of the coping modes as in someone who is underweight or restricting eating – this is exactly how your feelings signalling system should work! In people with purely restrictive eating restricting eating disorders There is intense fear they will become excessive unless they are vigilant and self-controlled So this is a ‘virtual’ mode but one they are terrified off This can operate in other ways too – for example in excessive alcohol use
Summary – psychological understanding of eating disorders
Needs + feelings + thoughts + action = psychological mode The ‘cast’ of different parts of the personalities of people with eating disorders: Vulnerable side Demanding self-critical side Over-controlling side Detached –avoidant side Angry-misunderstood side Excessive side
Break for discussion
Section 2: Stuckness versus change
Providing care and caring for yourself
Stuckness v change: ‘vicious’ cycle or ‘virtuous’ cycle
‘Vicious’ Cycles and stuckness
Going to describe some vicious cycles that people with ED’s get stuck in and that keep the eating disorder going Purpose: is to help you understand how people get stuck often a powerful sense of reward from their eating disorder especially through it making them feel safe and good enough in the short-term or a powerful sense of shame, making them unable to reach out for help or so detached from how feeling that just carry on in ‘auto-pilot’
The ‘Super-Hero’ maintenance cycle
The ‘Super-Hero’ vicious cycle
This is central to the reward of losing weight - usually more present in earlier stages of problems Experience of being emotionally self-sufficient, conquering vulnerable feelings, numbing themselves, feeling in control Over-controller mode is active: perfectionistic striving for high standards giving sense of competence, virtuousness, pride even superiority Having ‘special powers’ and not needing what everyone else does In relation to eating, OCM leads to self-control, self-denial and rewarding achievement of weight loss Everyone else worried but they often feel invulnerable, energised, tough But ultimately can’t sustain losing weight as deprivation of needs increases – tired, weak, cold, socially isolated, lonely
The ‘Dam-Builder’ vicious cycle
This is the key avoidant vicious cycle The Detached Avoidant Mode is in charge, with feelings being suppressed and avoided, giving the impression of being ‘fine’ on the surface The wall of the dam holds back the churning waters of distressing feelings, fears and unmet needs (Vulnerable mode)- which feels safer, fear of being overwhelmed There is constant work to block things out and keep the wall strong, to stay in control of feelings (Over-controller mode) & to keep feelings and needs hidden It becomes a lonely job, isolated from others, not able to show their real self, unable to open up and connect with others – but, feeling protected from shame and criticism
The ‘Dam-Builder’ vicious cycle
The ‘Dictator’ vicious cycle
The ‘Dictator’ vicious cycle
The key toxic maintenance cycle in AN The Demanding Critical mode & Over-controller modes are dominating Initially welcomed, like a dictator, arising amid social chaos and threat, offering order and safety Follow the rules, work hard, do the ‘right’ thing (OCM) and you will feel safer (VM) – early stage of a ‘benign dictatorship’ Increasingly rigid more complex rules, harder to get it ‘right’ Increasingly punitive ‘secret police’ – the Critical mode becomes self-punishing for any perceived ‘mistakes’ eg. 10 calories too much Ultimately submission to rules & self-punishment, accepting the suffering and feeling too afraid to make a bid for ‘freedom’ (change & recovery) Often experienced by patients as like an internal ‘anorexic voice’ that tells them what to do and criticises or punishes them if they get it wrong
Push-Pull Vicious Cycle
The main maintenance cycle that leads to conflict in relationship with others Key modes active modes are: the intensely felt underlying Vulnerable Mode, when feeling desperate, agitated, lost or hopeless This may be directly expressed to others or just communicated by withdrawal or expressions of distress The vulnerable mode is displayed in the appearance of the body of someone who is underweight, communicating to others (usually unconsciously) that they’re not OK the angry-misunderstood mode perceiving that others are not understanding them properly, doing the wrong things and making them feel worse consciously or unconsciously may drive desire to punish others in the moment by criticising and rejecting them, or simply to push them away The reward is that it can feel powerful to push someone away or punish them, and this can distract from the vulnerable desperate feelings But usually guilt & shame about being angry follow on quickly after
Moving from Stuckness to Change
So to summarise – people get stuck in eating disorders because the vicious cycles of unhealthy coping modes: give them reward short-term reward but in long-term reinforce their fears & don’t truly meet their needs make it difficult to make close open relationships with others So how can people move from stuckness to change they must have or develop enough readiness & motivation for change this may happen on their own or it may happen with therapists or others helping them to understand and recognise the risks and problems of not changing BUT if someone is not ready to change they will strongly resist being pushed too hard or others trying to take control – terrified of having their coping mechanisms taken away This is why admission to hospital usually feels like such a threat for people with eating disorders
8 key ingredients for change
2 phases of treatment and recovery Phase 1 reaching the tipping point of readiness to change: sufficient engagement with professionals and/or experts by lived experience of eating disorders and/or someone caring they trust gaining self-knowledge and understanding of the origins and function of their illness recognising the toxicity of self-criticism and self- deprivation making a commitment to change & owning the responsibility for that These came from a qualitative research study we did which I talked about at the last SEDIG conference – which explored some of the reasons why some people changed with treatment and others didn’t…
8 key ingredients for change
Phase 2 the work of achieving change: accepting ‘failing’ or set-backs as a crucial and healthy part of change & learning opening up emotionally, to develop trusting & accepting relationships perseverance with behavioural change reflecting self-care, including weight gain if underweight developing self-acceptance, self-compassion and healthy self-care
Carers role in change This will sound hopelessly simplistic and non-specific, but I truly believe it is the most important thing a carer (professional or relative) can do to help someone To empathise with their vulnerable feelings and their emotional needs To try to reach their vulnerable side: To acknowledge and recognise that side of them To show unconditional love and care for them To be accepting of their flaws and weaknesses – perceived or real This can be an extremely difficult task because the way an eating disorder works is to keep vulnerabilities: hidden from others controlled suppressed
Carers role in change Relatives or partners may be the best people to reach and support some people with an eating disorder However, the emotional intensity of relationships with partners or relatives can often make this too difficult for the person with an eating disorder to let them help because: They are too ashamed of their problem to allow those close to them to get involved They are too fearful of those close to them trying to take control of their eating They are too fearful of being misunderstood This is why conflict can so often arise with carers who are trying so hard to help There is a risk of getting caught up in a ‘battle’ if the person with the eating disorder is not ready to accept your help In my view the only time the battle needs to be engaged in is when there are clear acute medical risks Then it should be the professionals who engage in that battle with the sufferer not the carers – we will discus medical risks later
Carers role: to connect with vulnerable mode and support patient to develop healthy mode
Carers Self-care You will be no use as a carer, to meet your loved-ones needs, unless you prioritise looking after your own needs Eating disorders are ‘designed’ to keep other people at an emotional distance – it is very difficult to help someone who does not want to be helped Severe and enduring eating disorders are fundamentally self-depriving disorders, where sufferers have huge unmet needs For other people to meet these needs – therapists or carers – must be very good at meeting their own needs to have enough to give to people who are so lacking in what they need Do not keep battling against resistance empathise with the underlying vulnerability accept you can’t ‘fix it’ however much you want to be ready to join in as a cheer leader and supporter when they are ready for your help
Carers Core Needs: how well are you getting yours met?
So just coming back to this slide from the start – I want you just to pause for a moment and think about how well you are getting your needs met? And if you’re not – what can you do to try and change that?
Break for discussion Imagery exercise if time?
The physical risks of eating disorders
Section 3: The physical risks of eating disorders
Key medical risk factors
Low BMI Rate of weight loss Vomiting Laxative abuse Drug or alcohol misuse Diabetes Pregnancy (primarily risk to unborn child) Denial of risk and / or avoidance of medical monitoring Complex psychiatric presentation Medication or comorbid medical conditions with effects on cardiac, renal, hepatic function or electrolyte levels See handout guidance sheet for screening for risk
Mortality in Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa “Highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder” true but misleading regarding actual risk The increased risk of premature death is modest amongst the average AN patient and minimally increased in BN/BED (Keshaviha et al. 2014; Fichter & Quadflieg, 2016) Mortality risk only become substantially higher amongst AN patients when BMI’s drop below 11.5 (Rosling et al. 2011) Crude premature mortality rates in AN populations in general around 4% mortality Around 30-40% cause is suicide not starvation-related
Starvation and complications in AN
Multi-system Homeostatic adaptation to starvation ‘normal’ for abnormal circumstances Use of energy stores Glycogen Fat Shut down non-essential systems Slow down essential systems as far as possible ‘Autophagy’ – only likely to be truly dangerous at this stage
Physical complications in AN
Key Short-Term Risks: Collapse (Hypotension or Hypoglycaemia) Immuno-compromise (Neutropenia) leading to difficulty fighting infections Abnormal heart rhythm Re-feeding syndrome ( ↓Phosphate) Key Long-Term risks: Gastro-intestinal complications Osteoporotic kyphosis Myocardial Infarction or Cardiac Arrest
Medical Risk Outcomes Study
Study of the high risk early treatment period of medical stabilisation & re-feeding (Davies et al ) BMI<13 on entering service (or rapid weight loss) first 60 days of treatment n=17 community sub-sample 71% of patients did not show any significant objective risk factors Of the 5 patients who had a significant objective risk factor, these were all short-term and resolved within 60 days of treatment Medical complications in AN are not nearly as common as people believe
CONCLUSIONS Eating disorders are understandable as dysfunctional ways of coping with vulnerable feelings Empathising and caring for the vulnerable side of someone with an eating disorder, even when they are hiding this or blocking it out, may be useful Eating disorders can cause significant physical risks, but these are not as dangerous or as frequent as is commonly believed As carers, you can only look after your loved-ones needs if you are good at looking after your own needs Thanks for listening!
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