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English for the Insurance Business

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1 English for the Insurance Business
Avv. Carlo Galantini Studio Legale Galantini Heibron Cocco-ordini Milano

2 What is insurance

3 How insurance handles risk
Underwriting Assessment Statistics Acceptance, exclusion, declinature Quotation of price Handling of funds Investment Solvency margin Indemnification Assessing the damage Insured peril Proximate cause subrogation

4 Essential features of Insurance
Possible to calculate chance of loss Capable of financial measurement Loss must be fortuitous Insurable interest Utmost good faith Not against public interest Loss must not be catastrophic

5 Law of large numbers As the number of exposure units increases, the more certain it is that actual loss experience will equal probable loss experience

6 Insurable Interest MUST BE some property, rights, interest, life, limb, or potential liability capable of being insured This MUST BE the subject matter of the insurance Insured MUST benefit from its safety and be prejudiced by its loss or damage (equivalent terms used for liability) The relationship between the insured and the subject matter MUST BE recognised at law

7 Utmost good faith Definition of a material fact
Every circumstance is material which would influence the judgment of a prudent insurer in fixing the premium or determining whether he will take the risk

8 Some facts requiring disclosure
Marine Type of cargo Carried on deck Sailing near war zone Life Medical history Hazardous pursuits

9 Principle of indemnity
The insured shall be placed by the insurer in the same financial position after the loss as he occupied immediately before the loss

10 Proximate cause If an excluded or uninsured peril caused the loss there will be no cover

11 Subrogation The right of a person to stand in the place of another and avail himself or herself of all the rights and remedies of that person Insurer indemnifies Then they have the right to recoup their money through the courts

12 Types of insurance Marine Fire Life & accident

13 Types of insurance Insurance of the person Insurance of property
Insurance of liability Insurance of interest

14 Types of insurance Every individual or organisation can incur liabilities if others suffer loss to person or property through their careless or negligent acts, defects in their property or goods supplied to them.

15 Liability Public liability Personal liability Employers’ liability
Professional liability Products liability

16 Functions of reinsurance
Additional capacity Protects against catastrophical events Stabilise results Financial support Market intelligence Advice direct insurer Improve the margins

17 Reinsurance Proposer Original Insured

18 Reinsurance Cession Retention

19 Reinsurance Facultative Reinsurance Treaty Reinsurance

20 The London Market What? World’s leading market for internationally traded insurance & reinsurance Entirely non-life Emphasis on high cost, high risk, unusual risk Largely a “subscription market” (handled by brokers)

21 The London Market The Players
ILU LIRMA Fringe companies & contact offices Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Clubs & other mutuals Pools Lloyd’s Brokers

22 LLOYD’S Edward Lloyd’s coffee house Clientele Function business

23 LLOYD’S Today Marketplace Names Syndicates Managing agents Brokers

24 LLOYD’S Broker A Lloyd’s accredited broker Present a “slip”
A leading underwriter = specialised in a field Every underwriter takes a lead Business is struck in utmost good faith

25 LLOYD’S Members Names Corporate members Managing agents
Unlimited liability Working Names External Names Corporate members 1994 Funds Liability (liable to the full extent of their assets – liability of shareholders is limited to their share) Managing agents

26 Names The “storm” Catastrophes Asbestosis (employers’ liability)
LMX-spiral (excess of loss reinsurance)

27 LLOYD’S After the storm
Decrease in syndicates and Names Larger syndicates No longer unlimited liability obligation Introduction and steady increase of corporate capital An increased level of capacity

28 LLOYD’S Lloyd’s security
Premium Trust Fund Members’ fund Names’ assets & corporate members’ assets Stop loss fund Lloyd’s Central Fund Net assets of the Corporation of Lloyd’s

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