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Jeopardy Salt water Fresh water Vocabulary Wild Card Q $100 Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Salt water Fresh water Vocabulary Wild Card Q $100 Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Salt water Fresh water Vocabulary Wild Card Q $100 Q $100
Water Cycle Salt water Vocabulary Wild Card Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Water Cycle
What is the source of most water vapor that enters our atmosphere? (Hint: what has the most water?)

3 $100 Answer from Water Cycle
The Ocean

4 $200 Question from Water Cycle
Energy from what source powers the water cycle?

5 $200 Answer from Water Cycle
The Sun

6 $300 Question from Water Cycle
When water vapor changes to liquid water, that is called…

7 $300 Answer from Water Cycle

8 $400 Question from Water Cycle
What is likely to occur to the amount of precipitation if the rate of evaporation over the ocean were to decrease for many years?

9 $400 Answer from Water Cycle
The amount of precipitation will decrease (because there would be very little water vapor in the atmosphere)

10 $500 Question from Water Cycle
Describe the procedures we used to create condensation in our water cycle lab.

11 $500 Answer from Water Cycle
Pour hot water in a container. Put ice on top of the container. Water vapor evaporates then cools when it comes near the ice. Vapor condenses on the sides of the container.

12 $100 Question from Fresh Water
Where is most of Earth’s fresh water located?

13 $100 Answer from Fresh Water
Icecaps and glaciers (usually near the north and south poles)

14 $200 Question from Fresh Water
How much of the water on Earth is freshwater?

15 $200 Answer from Fresh Water
Only 2-3% of all water on Earth is fresh water.

16 $300 Question from Fresh Water
Name at least 3 natural sources of fresh water.

17 $300 Answer from Fresh Water
Rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, groundwater, etc.

18 $400 Question from Fresh Water
List at least 2 ways that freshwater is different from salt water.

19 $400 Answer from Fresh Water
Example answers (must have 2) Fresh water has no salt. Humans can drink fresh water. Fresh water is usually located on or under the land, not in the ocean. Fresh water is pure H2O

20 $500 Question from Fresh Water
How does the average amount of salt (salinity) in the ocean stay balanced when freshwater is pouring into the ocean through rivers and rain all day every day?

21 $500 Answer from Fresh Water
The salinity balance is maintained because fresh water evaporates from the oceans.

22 $100 Question from Salt Water
The measurement of dissolved salt in sea water is called _________.

23 $100 Answer from Salt Water

24 $200 Question from Salt Water
What property of salt water controls the movement of deep ocean currents?

25 $200 Answer from Salt Water
differences in density

26 $300 Question from Salt Water
Which type of ocean movement takes warm water from the equator to the poles?

27 $300 Answer from Salt Water

28 $400 Question from Salt Water
Where in the ocean is the most dense water?

29 $400 Answer from Salt Water
at the bottom of the ocean

30 $500 Question from Salt Water
Name a specific area in the ocean where salinity may be very low. (compared to the rest of the ocean)

31 $500 Answer from Salt Water
At the mouth of a big river (because of the fresh water pouring into the bay/ocean)

32 $100 Question from Vocabulary
Dew is formed at nighttime when water vapor cools and forms liquid water drops. What is this process called?

33 $100 Answer from Vocabulary

34 $200 Question from Vocabulary
This occurs when water vapor escapes from tiny holes in the leaves of plants.

35 $200 Answer from Vocabulary

36 $300 Question from Vocabulary
This up/down ocean motion is caused by wind blowing across the surface of the ocean.

37 $300 Answer from Vocabulary

38 $400 Question from Vocabulary
This is the formal name for salt.

39 $400 Answer from Vocabulary
Sodium chloride

40 $500 Question from Vocabulary
This is the underground layer of permeable rock where groundwater is stored.

41 $500 Answer from Vocabulary

42 $100 Question from Wild Card
According to the graph, what percentage of fresh water is frozen?

43 87% of fresh water is frozen (in icecaps and glaciers)
$100 Answer from Wild Card 87% of fresh water is frozen (in icecaps and glaciers)

44 $200 Question from Wild Card
Which item uses the most water in a home?

45 $200 Answer from Wild Card Toilet

46 $300 Question from Wild Card
Calculate the total amount of water used by laundry, dishwashing and faucets.

47 $300 Answer from Wild Card 24% Laundry 2% Dishwashing +16% Faucets
42% Total

48 $400 Question from Wild Card
What are the two primary salts in sea water?

49 Sodium and chlorine $400 Answer from Wild Card
(fun fact: when they are combined, it makes sodium chloride… which is what we use as regular table salt)

50 $500 Question from Wild Card
During which season is precipitation the highest?

51 $500 Answer from Wild Card Summer

52 Final Jeopardy Describe how this demonstration shows the water cycle. Describe at least 3 steps of the water cycle.

53 Final Jeopardy Answer The light above the jar provides the energy for evaporation to occur. The moisture in the soil provides water to the plants. The plants open the holes in their leaves and transpiration occurs. Condensation occurs on the inside of the glass jar. Precipitation occurs when liquid water falls from the top of the jar.

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