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DOL level 4 week 25 Analogy gallon : _________ - pound : lb. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "DOL level 4 week 25 Analogy gallon : _________ - pound : lb. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOL level 4 week 25 Analogy gallon : _________ - pound : lb. 2.
1. pete and me went to get buster, my dog 2. she has taked her little brother away from hear gal. : - :

2 Pledge

3 Fluency 6 min. reading solution

4 Objectives day 1 Students will recognize contractions.
Recognize comparatives. Identify root compound words.

5 Word Structure day 1 didn’t won’t wasn’t shouldn’t he’ll she’s we’re
they’ve sillier colder sadder whiter bird dog headache stopwatch everyone Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4

6 Word Structure day 4 The words on this line are compound words.
bird dog headache stopwatch eveyone Line 1 The words on this line are compound words. Identify the two words that form the compound word. Identify the open compound. bird dog Can you think of some other open compound words? Civil war, ghost town, rain forest Form other compound words using one of the smaller words from each closed compound. Toothache, wristwatch, everybody

7 Vocabulary lesson 5 pace publication common questionnaire
Run at a good pace. Get your story ready for publication. something that is printed or published rate; speed common questionnaire Write about common things like school or pets. You can pass out a questionnaire to your friends. a printed list of questions based by researchers happening often; familiar

8 Vocabulary lesson 5 previous rejected major randomly happening earlier
Write about a previous experience that changed your life. If your article is rejected, just try again. happening earlier to turn down major randomly Write down your thoughts about a major issue like world hunger. Choose topics randomly by chance important

9 K W L How old was Maya when she wrote he paper?
I have had an ice cream headache. How old was Maya when she wrote he paper? Transparency 34

10 Purpose Big Idea What steps lead to a good experiment?

11 Writing Explaining a Scientific Process day 4 Drafting Skills Practice 2 page 59
Transition words are important in this kind of report. Time, order, place, and locations words help readers follow exactly what is happening.

12 Objectives day 1 Students will Learn about sentence tenses.
Learn how to correct run-on sentences and sentence fragments. Learn about complex sentences. Learn how to ask questions to find information. Learn how to use an effective voice.

13 Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Asking Questions Day 4
Sometimes it is easier to determine the type of information you need by first writing questions you would like answered. Certain words are used to begin questions. Who? Asks about a person What? Asks something that happens or about an object, idea, or animal. When? Asks about the time something happens Where? Asks about location Why? Asks for the reasons something happens How? Asks for descriptions of the way things came about

14 Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Asking Questions Day 4
Read the first two pages of the selection. A sample question might be: “When does an ice-cream headache start? A couple of seconds after swallowing cold food. Think about your investigations and write questions to help determine whether you need to do further research. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

15 Spelling everyone sideways laptop playground bathtub swimsuit mailbox
goldfish upstairs blueberry heartbeat teaspoon popcorn birthday fireplace keyboard yearbook rainbow wheelchair townhouse nighttime handkerchief quarterback

16 Spelling Compound Words day
bathtub, yearbook draw a line between the two smaller words in each compound word bath/tub, year/book Use the two smaller words to tell the meaning of the compound word. A bathtub is a tub in which you take a bath. A yearbook is a book that is published once a year. Skills Practice 2 pages 61-62

17 everyone sideways laptop playground bathtub swimsuit mailbox goldfish
upstairs blueberry heartbeat teaspoon popcorn birthday fireplace keyboard yearbook rainbow wheelchair townhouse nighttime handkerchief quarterback

18 everyone sideways laptop playground bathtub swimsuit mailbox goldfish upstairs blueberry heartbeat teaspoon popcorn birthday fireplace keyboard yearbook rainbow wheelchair townhouse nighttime handkerchief quarterback

19 publication common questionnaire previous randomly
pace rate; speed publication something that is printed or published common happening often; familiar questionnaire a printed list of questions based by researchers previous happening earlier rejected to turn down major important randomly by chance


21 something that is printed or published happening often; familiar
rate; speed something that is printed or published happening often; familiar a printed list of questions based by researchers happening earlier to turn down important by chance

22 previous rejected randomly
pace publication common questionnaire previous rejected major randomly

23 Spelling lesson 6 humidity digital governor immobile copilot dehydrate
collision supplement ambitious married equipped newfangled keyboard blueberry handkerchief

24 humidity digital governor immobile copilot dehydrate collision supplement ambitious married equipped newfangled blueberry keyboard handkerchief

25 humidity digital governor immobile copilot dehydrate collision supplement ambitious married equipped newfangled blueberry keyboard handkerchief

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