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Some good Ways to develop listening skills.

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1 Some good Ways to develop listening skills

2 Listen, learn to take notes and recite
1. Imitation, retell and recite 模仿、复述、背诵 Learn to imitate the pronunciation, tone and the pauses, sense group (模仿语音、语调、停顿、意群) Listen, learn to take notes and recite ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

3 indoors____ 2. care about _____ 3. by accident_____ 4. go worse_____
2. Related meaning of words 词义联想synonyms、antonyms Listen to the sentences and write down the words and expressions opposite in meaning to what are given. indoors____ care about _____ 3. by accident_____ 4. go worse_____ 5. clean____ outdoors

4 3. Target words and expressions
---A number of students have come here to buy this book. ---Yes, many tests during this term will ___ ___ ___ ___ it. 2. ---Peter, how many languages can you speak? ---Actually, I only speak English. But___ ___ I’m learning Danish. 3. ---More and more people are communicating online with their friends now; maybe you should have a try. ---That ___ ____ . Let me think it over. 4. ---A lot of people say autumn is the best season here. ---Yes, the air is fresh and it’s neither cold not hot. We should ___ ___ ___ the season to go outdoors for sightseeing.

5 4、Synonymy transformation (同义转换)
The man will tell the woman something about the ____ of an ipad. A. price B. usage C. advantage 2. The woman has difficulty with the ____ of the English words. A. pronunciation B. meaning C. spelling 3. Mr. Brown made a(n) ____ for living longer in the apartment. A. suggestion B. request C. appointment

6 5、 Synonymy transformation (同义转换)
because of / instead of / at present / make good use of frequently / communicate with / be based on / actually The story in his book ____ his personal experiences. Do you ignore study to check your telephone for messages _____? I had been concerned about the test, but ______ I came out first in the class. It’s reported that a large number of houses are being built ______ in the area.

7 6. Reorganize the sentence 转换
Listen to fill in the blanks. The man ___ ___ ___ ___ tired of his job and every day was just the same. The woman ___ ___ ___ she didn’t want to walk the dog that day. The man ___ ___ he had got to pack up all those overcoats into his suitcase. The woman ___ ___ ___ ___ his shoes loose on purpose.

8 7. Conclude and comment 总结与评论
Listen to choose the word that best describe each person. upset/ calm / friendly/ lonely / grateful The woman is _______ to the man. The woman is _______ to her new roommate. The girl feels _______. The woman is _______.

9 8. Opinion and response 观点
Listen to the sentence and choose the best response. A. Never mind. B. I’m afraid not. C. No way. A. Take care. B. Have a good time. C. Good idea. A. Not at all. B. With pleasure. C. I disagree. A. Me, too. B. Of course not. C. That’s not right. A. Well done B. All right. C. Come on! You can do it. 6. A. I think so. B. No problem. C. That’s not right.

10 9、 Listen for missing information (rapid memory / notes taking)
450—1150 AD based mainly on ______ 800—1150 AD influenced by Danish and then ____ by the 1600’s became rich in ______ in ______ began to be spoken in America in the 18th century began to be spoken in Australia and ______ by the 19th century settled today developing several different kinds of English with their own ______

11 Listen to the passage to fill in the blanks
10.Take notes and summarize 记录与总结 Listen to the passage to fill in the blanks A friend is someone who listens to our ____ and ____, and who shares our ____ and _____. Anne was a Jewish, who____ _____ a lot of difficulties during World War Ⅱ During those days in her hiding place, Anne made her diary her best friend, to whom she told her ____ and ____.

12 11、 Why should we learn English?
It is important. English has become a(n) _____ language. It is _____. Fluent English speakers can make friends easily with those who know English. A good command of English will help you _____ in future. It is beautiful. The more you use English, the more you’ll recognize its_____. It is fun. You can play with it with its words, spellings, pronunciations and structures in guessing games and even in your own ______.

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