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Energy stores and Conservation of energy

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1 Energy stores and Conservation of energy
Physics Energy Lesson 1 Energy stores and Conservation of energy

2 Do Now- Name the Energy Types
Energy types NOT sources

3 Do Now- Name the Energy Types
Nuclear Light Gravitational Electrical Chemical heat Sound Energy types NOT sources elastic kinetic

4 Aiming for a 4 Aiming for a 6 Aiming for a 8
I can state some examples of energy stores. I can describe changes in energy stores in terms of the process that causes the change I can explain factors that affect the size of changes in energy stores I can identify the processes that can transfer energy from one store to another I can describe a wide range of energy stores in different contexts. I can represent energy changes graphically, accounting for changes in all stores.

5 What is the energy? Watch the Road Runner cartoon- what examples of each energy type can you identify? BONUS- are there are situations where the energy type changes?

6 We eat pizza- we get energy, because food is a STORE of energy
Energy Stores We use energy to do work……….. When we eat, our bodies transform the food into energy to do work. We eat pizza- we get energy, because food is a STORE of energy

7 Energy is stored, and then transferred
Energy can be stored in different ways and is transferred by heating, waves, an electric current or when a force moves an objects. Example- Chemical Energy stores including food, fuels or chemicals. Energy is transferred during chemical reactions

8 Energy stores- there are five
Can you think of examples of things that STORE energy? Can you group these things together to find the energy stores?

9 Energy stores- The eight stores CHEMICAL (in food, fuel or batteries)
KINETIC (in a moving object) GRAVITATIONAL (more in an object lifted above its planet) ELASTIC (in a stretched, squashed or twisted object) THERMAL (in an object at high temperature) MAGNETIC (in magnetic forces between magnetic poles) ELECTROSTATIC (in electrical forces between charges) NUCLEAR (in the immensely strong forces in atomic nuclei)

10 These are known as PATHWAYS
The four pathways mechanically (when a force acts and something moves) electrically (when a current flows) by heating (because of a temperature difference) by radiation (a wave such as light, microwaves or sound) These are known as PATHWAYS

11 There are stores, processes but also systems. Lets look at the torch.
In a torch the battery pushes a current through a bulb. This makes the bulb emit light and also get hot. What is the energy change here? System- an object or group of objects where the transfer is happening. Store- where the energy is Pathway- how energy is transferred

12 Energy flow diagrams

13 Example 1- bulb connected to a cell
By heat CHEMICAL (in cell) electrically lamp THERMAL (environment) By light

14 Example 1- bulb connected to a cell
By heat CHEMICAL (in cell) electrically lamp THERMAL (environment) By light

15 Example 2- candle By heat CHEMICAL THERMAL (wax fuel) (environment)
By light

16 Example 2- candle By heat CHEMICAL THERMAL (wax fuel) (environment)
By light

17 Car accelerating

18 motor lifting a weight Kinetic (wind generator)

19 Catapult- being pulled back
Catapult- firing

20 Pendulum

21 Another example When an object is thrown into the air the object slows down as it goes up. Here energy is transferred from the objects KE store to its GPE store.

22 Ok- lets try these……. Watch the following youtube clips.
Describe the energy changes. Remember- all energy changes start and end with an energy STORE The energy is transferred using a PROCESS

23 Watermelon (2. 40) flamethrower (1. 40) Pop corn (1. 20) Match(1
Watermelon (2.40) flamethrower (1.40) Pop corn (1.20) Match(1.55) water balloon

24 Flamethrower By heat Chemical (in fuel) THERMAL (environment) By light

25 Pop corn Chemical (in fuel) THERMAL (in pan) By heating By heating
kinetic (in pop corn)

26 water balloon Mechanical (force) GPE Mechanical sound elastic GPE

27 Conservation of energy

28 The Pendulum

29 Bungee jumping

30 Answer the questions on the worksheet

31 Questions you should be able to answer by the end of the lesson
Name the FIVE energy stores. Describe energy transfers, with examples. Describe the conservation of energy. Apply the conservation of energy to energy transfers

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