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Judy Axelby & Nick Moore Sheffield Hallam University

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1 Judy Axelby & Nick Moore Sheffield Hallam University
Playing Catch-Up: Linguistic Knowledge about Language in Tertiary Education Judy Axelby & Nick Moore Sheffield Hallam University

2 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
KAL Innovations in Primary & Secondary to Close the Attainment Gap Tertiary Attainment Gaps Model of Change Identifying Students' Academic Needs Interventions: Genre Analysis, Legitimation Code Theory, Functional Linguistics Preliminary Evaluation & Evaluation Strategy

3 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
KAL Innovations in Primary & Secondary to Close the Attainment Gap Educational Interventions Closing the Attainment Gap: Is it possible? (Children's Commissioner 2018, p.20)

4 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
KAL Innovations in Primary & Secondary to Close the Attainment Gap More than just more money? BAAL LKALE SiG Reading to Learn (Rose 2010, p.113)

5 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Tertiary Attainment Gaps: Getting In Source: Jerrim, 2013

6 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Tertiary Attainment Gaps: Getting On The dominant culture of higher education is middle class, and working class students can be made to feel they do not ‘belong’, ranging from feeling disconnected from their peers to being bullied by other students because of their class. Working class students are more likely to leave their course before achieving the final qualification, with other intersections including race and disability affecting course retention (NUS Poverty Commission, 2018)

7 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Tertiary Attainment Gaps: Staying On Drop-out rates for 1st year UG (Hammonds, 2017) 2013/14 2014/15 Young 6 6.2 Mature 11.8 11.7 POLAR 1 8.2 8.8 POLAR = Participation Of Local AReas

8 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Tertiary Attainment Gaps: Getting Out Source: HEFCE, 2018 POLAR = Participation Of Local AReas

9 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Tertiary Attainment Gaps: Getting Out Analysis of HE outcomes for different student groups shows some consistent patterns, with the least-advantaged students (those from low socio-economic groups) having consistently lower attainment and progression outcomes even after controlling for other factors such as type of institution. (Mountfort-Zimdars et al., 2015)

10 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
How do you envisage the project working to lead to outcomes; What are the programme's 'enabling characteristics'? What are the intended short, medium and longer term outcomes? Model of Change What are the intervention activities? What are the contextual factors that are likely to influence whether or not the intended outcomes are achieved?

11 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
How do you envisage the project working to lead to outcomes; What are the programme's 'enabling characteristics'? What are the intended short, medium and longer term outcomes? Model of Change What are the intervention activities? What are the contextual factors that are likely to influence whether or not the intended outcomes are achieved? Antecedents: What pre-existing contextual factors influence the intended outcomes? Moderating Factors: What contextual factors came to light?

12 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Identifying Students' Academic Needs Tardy, C.M. (2009). Building Genre Knowledge. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press Four domains of knowledge in university context Heuristic - needs analysis tool - in conversations with module leaders (Lisa McGrath, Forthcoming)

13 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Identifying Students' Academic Needs

14 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Identifying Students' Academic Needs Rhetorical Knowledge Subject-matter Knowledge Formal Knowledge Process Knowledge concepts & metaphors technical distinctions models & types of analysis key ideas & relationships between them jargon & specialist terms

15 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Identifying Students' Academic Needs Rhetorical Knowledge concepts & metaphors technical distinctions models & types of analysis key ideas & relationships between them jargon & specialist terms Formal Knowledge Subject-matter Knowledge interpreting assignment brief reading around subject matter applying learning to tasks analysing tasks searching for additional literature developing a network of literature to refer to drafting editing proofreading Process Knowledge

16 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Identifying Students' Academic Needs - essay structure - vocabulary: 'epistemologies, discourses' - using literature and experience to support ideas - clear expression - language choices to demonstrate academic authorship Rhetorical Knowledge concepts & metaphors technical distinctions models & types of analysis key ideas & relationships between them jargon & specialist terms Formal Knowledge Subject-matter Knowledge Process Knowledge interpreting assignment brief / reading around subject matter / applying learning to tasks / analysing tasks / searching for additional literature / developing a network of literature to refer to / drafting / editing / proofreading

17 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Rhetorical Knowledge Subject-matter Knowledge Process Knowledge Formal Knowledge reader awareness purpose of assignment task language of persuasion in writing values of EAP academics and practitioners Identifying Students' Academic Needs - essay structure - vocabulary: 'epistemologies, discourses' - using literature and experience to support ideas - clear expression - language choices to demonstrate academic authorship concepts & metaphors technical distinctions models & types of analysis key ideas & relationships between them jargon & specialist terms interpreting assignment brief / reading around subject matter / applying learning to tasks / analysing tasks / searching for additional literature / developing a network of literature to refer to / drafting / editing / proofreading

18 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Rhetorical Knowledge Subject-matter Knowledge Process Knowledge Formal Knowledge reader awareness purpose of assignment task language of persuasion in writing values of EAP academics and practitioners Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up Identifying Students' Academic Needs concepts & metaphors technical distinctions models & types of analysis key ideas & relationships between them jargon & specialist terms - essay structure - vocabulary: 'epistemologies, discourses' - using literature and experience to support ideas - clear expression - language choices to demonstrate academic authorship expertise interpreting assignment brief / reading around subject matter / applying learning to tasks / analysing tasks / searching for additional literature / developing a network of literature to refer to / drafting / editing / proofreading by the Academic Language & Literacy group based on Tardy, C.M. (2009). Building Genre Knowledge. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press

19 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Interventions BA History. Module: Empires and Encounters Level 4 module Needs: Raise attainment (from 2:2 ->2.1), 'improve' written standard, argumentative essay plus exam analysis of historical source. Response: (6x2 hr seminars) 'Literacy Windows' (Wingate, 2015); Academic Literacies: content expert, literacy expert, students; SFL: Engagement (Miller, et al., 2014); Genre analysis: analysing samples of work.

20 Genre Analysis analysis of task analysis of samples

21 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Interventions BA Business. Module: Business Enterprise Management (Level 5) Needs: Reflective Writing Response: (2 x 2h seminars) Genre pedagogy: structure move analysis of extracts of texts; LCT: semantic gravity waves

22 Legitimation Code Theory: Semantic Gravity Waves
Applying theory to practice & practice to theory

23 Legitimation Code Theory: Semantic Gravity Waves
Identifying 'waves' in samples Language used to move from concrete to generalised to abstract

24 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Interventions BA Education Studies. Module: Language & Learning Needs: BAME attainment gap; reflective writing; reading demands Response: (2 x 2hr seminars) Genre pedagogy: accessing difficult reading; SFL: process types for writing reflections

25 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Interventions BA Education Studies - Language & Learning Academic text most often relates things to each other Process Types: English grammar allows us to use verbs to describe the world in these terms English grammar needs a Sensor to talk about feelings, desires and memories. From Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014

26 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Interventions BA Education Studies - Language & Learning Writing reflectively in an academic context requires nominalisation of Mental processes From Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014

27 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Preliminary Evaluation & Evaluation Strategy Each intervention is specific to students & module Indicators of success: module leader satisfaction achievement of module objectives student satisfaction university indicators (reduced drop-out, non-discriminatory results, increased mean scores)

28 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
Preliminary Evaluation & Evaluation Strategy Methods of data collection survey / interview module leader & tutors student surveys marking & grading of assignments university data Work in Progress!!

29 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
KAL Innovations in Primary & Secondary to Close the Attainment Gap Tertiary Attainment Gaps Model of Change Identifying Students' Academic Needs Interventions: Functional Linguistics, Genre Analysis, Academic Literacies Preliminary Evaluation & Evaluation Strategy

30 Axelby & Moore: Playing Catch-Up
References Children's Commissioner. (2018). Growing Up North. Available: North-March pdf Coffin, C. & Donohue, J. (2014). A Language as Social Semiotic‐Based Approach to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Chichester: Wiley Halliday, M.A.K. & Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. (2014). Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Routledge HEFCE (2018). Differences in Student Outcomes. Available: Jerrim, J. (2013). Family Background and Access to 'High Status' Universities. Sutton Trust. available: content/uploads/2013/11/john-jerrim-report-final-4.pdf Kirk, S. (forthcoming). Waves of Reflection: Seeing Knowledges in Academic Writing. Miller, R., Mitchell, T. & Pessoa, S. (2014). Valued Voices: Students' use of Engagement in argumentative history writing. Linguistics and Education 28. p Mounfort-Zimdars, A., Sabri, D., Moore, J., Sanders, S.. Jones, S. & Higham, L. (2015). Causes of Differences in Student Outcomes. HEFCE. Available: NUS Poverty Commission. (2018). Class Dismissed: Getting in and Getting on in Further & Higher Education. Available: Rose, D. (2010). Beating educational inequality with an integrated reading pedagogy. In Christie & Simpson (Eds.) Literacy and Social Responsibility. London: Equinox Tardy, C.M. (2009). Building Genre Knowledge. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press Wingate, U. (2015). Academic Literacy and Student Diversity: A Case for Inclusive practice. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

31 Judy Axelby & Nick Moore Sheffield Hallam University
Playing Catch-Up: Linguistic Knowledge about Language in Tertiary Education Judy Axelby & Nick Moore Sheffield Hallam University

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