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Civil Rights 1962-64.

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1 Civil Rights

2 MAIN IDEA Freedom riders exposed Southern resistance to federal desegregation rulings. As the nation watched the violent reaction of Southerners to the freedom riders, public opinion began to demand a response. Forced to take action the Kennedy administration intervened by using federal troops and changing federal law.

3 Freedom Riders Create a strong reaction by Southern officials
Receive national and international media attention Create pride and activism in the larger community

4 Main idea In 1963 civil rights leaders turned their attention to integrating some Southern campuses and towns. Birmingham was the most important. As the nation watched the police arrested and attacked scores of unarmed marches including children. Stunned Americans demanded protection. The Kennedy administration decided that federal protection and a new civil rights bill (1964) was necessary to insure constitutional protections for blacks.

5 Federal Action President Kennedy forced to uphold federal law
Own party Internationally Had to save face in the international community Couldn’t compromise with state officials

6 Washington D.C. March Build support for Kennedy’s civil rights bill
Access to public accommodations Federal control over desegregation in schools Demonstrate strength of the movement Put pressure on state governments

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