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Redemption Day Daryl “Nash” Morse

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1 Redemption Day Daryl “Nash” Morse
My office before March 7, 2015

2 I’ve traded for years with varying success, but then, I fell into the “Valley of Despair.” I locked myself in my office at home for three weeks and went over 500 of my last trades. When I came out on March 7, 2015…. I’ve been killing it every day.

3 I discovered that an upward trend on the 60 minute chart was a 94% winner. Rule: Win huge when you are right. Lose small when you are wrong.

4 The money is in the long runs on the big boy stocks…
The money is in the long runs on the big boy stocks…. “Based on the 5 and 60, what is this stock likely to do in the next few hours?”

5 Show Me the Money To succeed big in trading ($10,000 plus a day or more) one must get the big picture, that 30,000 foot view and take trades that have the ability to move $3 and more. 1. Watch the trend on the 5! 2. Concentrate on the 3, Initially, the “out” is half the previous (3 or 5) candle. 4. Then, watch for a break in trend for the out. 5. Watch the big boy stocks. That’s where the big quan is.

6 On moves up, exit on 50% of the previous 5 minute candle
On moves up, exit on 50% of the previous 5 minute candle. Stay in the moment. I cannot talk about anything other than the trade when trading. I am in PTC (present time consciousness) while trading. I talk myself through the trades each time. “The DJIA is going up, the volume is still good, the sixty and five are good, there’s blue sky on the daily, etc.”

7 When a trade works the way you suspected, add shares along the way
When a trade works the way you suspected, add shares along the way. Send your soldiers into battle a platoon at a time. I usually start with 300 shares, and begin adding in 300 share increments.



















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