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Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?
“New Immigrants” Post Civil War-1920 About 30 million immigrants came to US Where they came from Now South and eastern European Italians/Greeks/Turkish/ Polish/Russia/ethnic Jews Still Ireland Asia Chinese Japanese Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

2 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?
Why they left Europe Poor/no $$ Famines/crop failures/disease Land/job shortages New machinery/agricultural techniques hurt European laborers Religious/political persecution Escape military conscription- Mandatory in most European countries Overpopulation US fish/grain/potato increased population, forced them over here Better interior transportation systems RR’s stretched into inland Europe Cheap rates across Atlantic by steamship companies steerage Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

3 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?
Steerage Level below sea level No windows/ no fresh air Crowded/ no privacy Steerage passengers outnumbered cabin passengers 10-1 Few toilets Leftover food BUT,,, TICKETS ONLY $15!! Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

4 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

5 Aim: How did the captains of industry develop monopolies?

6 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

7 Why they came to America
Free/cheap land (Homestead Act) Political/religious freedoms $$$$$$$$ “American Letters” Relatives who write saying how great US is Big Business Recruiters “Golden Door” NYC Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

8 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?
“Golden Door” NYC “Door” NY was main entrance to US Ellis Island “Golden” Land of opportunity “streets paved in gold” Have you seen any???? So who makes up this lie?? Steamship companies 70% of immigrants during this time came through NYC (Ellis Island) Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

9 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

10 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?
Ellis Island Operated by US government.. Why? Who are you? Are you healthy? Doctors/Nurses would inspect while they waited in line- sticking and probing, chalk on clothing What are you doing here? Any skills? Job lined up? How many are there (Census)? Who was turned away? Criminals/insane Sick/disease People without $5 in pocket Must have US sponsor Quick trials for questionables Only 2% were turned away 1st/2nd class passengers didn’t have to go through Ellis Island, they had brief inspection onboard ship.. Why???? If they could afford that ticket, they must be OK! Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

11 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

12 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

13 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

14 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

15 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

16 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

17 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

18 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?
Asian Immigration Most went through San Francisco “Golden Gate” Recruited by RR owners Worked mainly on RR and were cheap labor miners/diggers/washers/cooks/storekeepers In the beginning, they were the most liked immigrants,,,Why? - hardworking, cheap, didn’t integrate-”Chinatowns” Although nine-tenths of the railroad workers were Chinese, the famous photographs taken at Promontory Point where the golden stake was driven in connecting the east and west by railway, included no Chinese workers. Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

19 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?
The New Colossus – Emma Lazarus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

20 Polish Immigrant Child
We just arrived in America, and they are writing down our names. Papa is coming to get us in a few hours...We just got to our home, and tomorrow, I get to go to school for the first time because in Poland, school wasn't free...I went to school for the first time today.  I really liked it but the kids made fun of me for the way I talked...I have been going to school for many days, but when I got home father was hurt and he had to quit his job so I got my own job to help my mother pay rent...And now we are not as poor as we were, and now I'm happy to be in America. - K. I. Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

21 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?
I just moved to America. The journey was long and hard. there were Jews, Italians, Scottish, Polish, and many more groups. On my first day of school, I was made fun of. I didn’t know the customs here. I got very confused by all the differences in culture. My dad got a broken hip and now we don’t have a way to get money. The owner replaced my dad with another worker. He said, “boatloads come in every day with men just like your father.” After my dad hurt himself, I had to quit school and go work. That's what happened to a lot of people. Their parents would get hurt, and children would have to work. But the day I got my pay check, I felt like I had accomplished a lot. My family was so proud. Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

22 Aim: How did the immigration experience effect the U.S.?

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