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Reaching for spirituality

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Presentation on theme: "Reaching for spirituality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaching for spirituality
Weightier matters Mk 12:28-34 Mt 23:23

2 Reaching for spirituality
Where do we look? Finding Spirituality in Life Nature Knowledge Exercise Emotional Experiences Religion Cairns (Stacking Rocks)

3 Reaching for spirituality
Where do we look? Finding Spirituality in Life Gen 1:27, God made man in his image Like Johnny Lee’s Song “Looking for love in all the wrong places”

4 Reaching for spirituality
Where do we look? Finding Spirituality in Life True Spirituality can only be found through the one true God who created us All others lack lasting substance Struggle is real, even for Christians

5 Reaching for spirituality
Where do we look? In the Church Changing routine Focus on Mood, Emotionalism, Excitement, Enthusiasm, Fireworks, Exhibitions, Plays Mt 23:23-24, Focus on Doctrine in Absence of the Spiritual Struggle is real

6 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Judgment Definition: Judgment – dealing justly or fairly with another

7 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Judgment Getting Priorities Right Prov 21:3, To do justice and judgment Mic 6:6-8, do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God Mt 9:11-13, Mt 12:6-8, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice

8 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Judgment Israel Struggled with Justice Isa 1:21-23, the fatherless and widows Isa 10:2, needy, poor, fatherless, widows Jer 22:3-5, do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow

9 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Judgment Israel Struggled with Justice Mt 23:14, Devoured widows houses Lk 18:1-8, Unjust judge and widow Mk 7:10-12, Dealing with parents

10 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Judgment God is not a “respecter of persons” Meaning: partiality or favoritism Rom 2:11, Col 3:25, I Pet 1:17, in judgment Eph 6:9, of the slave or master Acts 10:34, of the Gentile converts

11 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Judgment Christians Warned Against Prejudice Jas 2:1-9, Early Church Condemned I Tim 5:21-25, Timothy warned against showing prejudice

12 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Judgment We Desire to be Treated Justly Mt 7:12, Golden Rule

13 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Judgment Lessons Our Responsibility Goes Beyond Doctrine God Requires that we are Fair and Equitable Prejudice is Blinding

14 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Judgment God is not Wholly Just God Offers Mercy in Place of Justice Rom 3:23, all have sinned Rom 6:23, wages of sin is death Jam 2:13, Mercy rejoices against Judgment

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