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Essay Writing Review.

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1 Essay Writing Review

2 An Essay Has Three Major Parts:
Introduction Body Conclusion

3 Introduction Must introduce the name of the text
Must introduce the thesis Must outline the points of the essay in a preview statement Must grab the reader’s attention Must have a So What Statement

4 Body In a formal essay the body should have a minimum of three paragraphs (but not limited to). Each paragraph should discuss a different point that helps to prove the thesis. A paragraph needs: A topic sentence Minimum three pieces of evidence (set up in point- proof-analysis) A concluding sentence (summarize the ideas of the paragraph and tell us what they prove about the overall essay thesis)

5 Sample Paragraph Structure
Topic Sentence Point Proof Analysis Concluding Sentence By examining Scout’s perspective on empathy, we see the novel’s overall message on the power of empathy to do good. Scout first learns empathy in her relationship with Ms. Caroline. When Scout complains to Atticus about how Ms. Caroline is treating her, he replies saying “sometimes you have to put yourself in a person’s skin and walk in it” (Lee 34). This lesson changes Scout’s perspective on Ms. Caroline because she starts to imagine the reasons for her actions and this changes Scout’s behaviour. We then see Scout’s classmates comforting Ms. Caroline when she cries after Burris Ewell calls her inappropriate names. Empathy allows the students to do something good for their teacher. Another example of empathy in the novel is when Scout meets Atticus in front of Maycomb’s jail as he is surrounded by the lynch mob. When she sees Mr. Cunningham, she puts herself in his shows and speaks to him about something he cares for sayin, “hey Mr. Cunningham […] I go with Walter to school […] entailments are bad” (Lee 78). Here we see Scout sympathizing for Mr. Cunningham and this leads him to leave Atticus and not hurt him, because Scout’s empathy creates empathy in Mr. Cunningham. This shows us that empathy is effective and that the author wants us to see how powerful it can be. Finally, we see Atticus displaying empathy when he doesn’t take revenge after Bob Ewell spits in his face. When Atticus comes home he simply says “I wish Bob Ewell never drank” (Lee 100). Here we see Atticus appreciating the misery and poverty Bob Ewell is living in and so he chooses not to fight back. The theme of empathy not only shapes Scout’s character, but as Scout learns about empathy, we see the power it has to do good in the corrupt town of Maycomb.

6 Sample Paragraph Structure
*Remember to connect the body paragraph to the thesis and preview statements, and remember to transition between paragraphs. To Kill a Mockingbird presents a story where justice is absent, in order to make us understand the effects of prejudice on a community. We see this as the innocent Tom Robinson is killed, Mayella gets away with lying, and Bob Ewell gets away with abusing his daughter. There is very little justice in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, as we see through the fact that an inccocent man is killed. Tom Robinson is an innocent black man who is accused of raping a white woman, Mayella. Because most of the tow is white, many people side with Mayella, despite the fact that Atticus proves there are problems with her testimony. Even as Atticus presents evidence against Mayella, Bob Ewell, and shows Tom’s point of view, and even though people like Scout and Jem can clearly see Tom’s innocence, he is still convicted. Tom Robinson being black makes the town judge him because of the culture of racism in the town. Everyone knows he will be found guilty before the trial begins, simply because the colour of his skin is not white. Although Atticus believes Tom could still be proven innocent in an appeal, Tom is never granted that opportunity because he is shot while being transported. The death of Tom, who is like an innocent Mockingbird, shows that no matter how far the town may have come, there is still no justice in the novel. This demonstrates the effects of prejudice on the town of Maycomb. The racism that results in Tom’s unjust death is also what allows Mayella to escape punishment for lying in a court of law. (Transition)

7 Conclusion The Conclusion must:
Restate the thesis Return to the main points of the essay with a review statement Tell us why the essay ideas are important: answer the question “So What” What is a Review Statement? A review statement re-outlines the points of the essay. Eg) Overall, by looking at Batman’s with what technology he should use, his conflicting relationship with the joker, and his low opinion of himself, he represents for audiences the good and evil that every individual struggles with. Eg) Overall, through analysing the effects of Tybalt’s aggression, Benvolio’s loyalty, and Romeo’s love, we see that their radical behaviour creates the play’s tragedy.

8 MLA Reminders To change a quotation … means take something out.
In MLA you need to include [ ] to show you’ve added the elipses- […] You don’t need the […] at the beginning or end of a quotation, that is assumed. It only goes in the middle.

9 A very important reminder:
Stay in present verb tense. In analytical writing you always write in consistent present verb tense: Eg) The narrator goes to her father Not: the narrator went The only place you don’t have to have present verb tense is directly quoted statements from the text.

10 Other Things To Improve On
Making your statements arguable- include a so what idea Eg) The narrator’s view of being a girl changes *This is not arguable enough because it doesn’t say how or why Eg) The narrator’s changing view of what is required to be a girl reflects the impact of social pressures upon the way she understands her gender. What is arguable here is that you are saying her views change because of outside pressure, not because she decides to change her mind.

11 Also Remember Give a detailed explanation of your evidence. Explain what you have proven and why it is important. Example: By examining Scout’s perspective on empathy, we see the novel’s overall message on the power of empathy to do good. Scout first learns empathy in her relationship with Ms. Caroline. When Scout complains to Atticus about how Ms. Caroline is treating her, he replies saying “sometimes you have to put yourself in a person’s skin and walk in it” (Lee 34). This lesson changes Scout’s perspective on Ms. Caroline because she starts to imagine the reasons for her actions and this changes Scout’s behaviour. We then see Scout’s classmates comforting Ms. Caroline when she cries after Burris Ewell calls her inappropriate names. Empathy allows the students to do something good for their teacher. The theme of empathy not only shapes Scout’s character, but as Scout learns about empathy, we see the power it has to do good in the corrupt town of Maycomb.

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