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Hosted by Type your name here

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1 Hosted by Type your name here
Jeopardy Hosted by Type your name here

2 Coverage & Theme Reporting & Writing Terms Production 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 Number of times a student should be in the yearbook.
What is three times or more? Number of times a student should be in the yearbook. Row 1, Col 1

4 What is a theme? The unifying idea that has a visual and verbal element that holds the book together and creates structure for the story of the year. 1,2

5 What are open-ended questions?
The type of question yearbook staffers always need to ask when they interview. 1,3

6 What is a signature? This grouping of 16 pages is printed on a large sheet of paper, folded, cut and bound into a yearbook. 1,4

7 What are visual elements?
Graphic/symbolic elements that carry throughout the book and compliment the theme. 2,1

8 What are dividers? Pages/spreads that indicate new sections and provide continuity with your theme. 2,2

9 What is a subheadline? Often placed just below a headline, this form of writing offers deeper insight and information. 2,3

10 What is a ladder diagram?
A planning device designating what goes on specific pages. 2,4

11 What are folios, photo bars, specialty coverage, etc?
Ways to increase coverage in the yearbook. 3,1

12 What is a dominant photo?
The largest photo on the page, must be a strong emotional or action shot to catch the attention of the audience. 3,2

13 What are quick reads or infographics?
Short bits of information that are provided on sidebars or as complimentary elements to the content on the page. 3,3

14 The inside front and back covers of a book, which can be printed on.
What are endsheets? The inside front and back covers of a book, which can be printed on. 3,4

15 Elements, such as a slogan, that is carried throughout the yearbook
What are verbal elements? Elements, such as a slogan, that is carried throughout the yearbook using words to express the theme. 4,1

16 What is an index? A record of who is in the book and where the reader can find them. Might include photos for more coverage. 4,2

17 What is a caption? Different kinds of this writing include ident, summary, quote, expanded, collection and group. 4,3

18 What is offset printing?
The 4-color printing process that layers cyan, magenta, yellow and black. 4,4

19 Examples are magazines, advertisements, commercials, websites, etc.
What are places to find theme ideas? Examples are magazines, advertisements, commercials, websites, etc. 5,1

20 What is a pica? A unit of measurement in yearbook. There are six of these units in an inch. 5,2

21 What is a headline? Introduces the reader to the page by summarizing the story of the page or highlighting its focus. Should use literary devices to be clever or eye-catching. 5,3

22 What is the spine? Area of the yearbook that contains school name, publication name, volume number, year, and city/state. 5,4

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