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HBHM – University of Stirling

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1 HBHM – University of Stirling
University of Stirling Students Union

2 Smoking Cessation Clean air campus included in Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Union representation on University smoking cessation group Smoking cessation a standing agenda item at Union HBHM working group Planning to improve the signage around University and Students’ Union Ash Scotland posters up around the Students’ Union

3 Mental Health Mental health week Strategy
Getting Clubs and Societies involved Sports events Panel discussion with Samaritans Scotland, Student Support, HR, and Scottish government representative. Events throughout the week such as mindfulness, yoga, meditation Falkirk Mental health Association Play Strategy Joint mental health and wellbeing strategy in partnership with the University Considers three strand: green, amber and red

4 Challenge yourself

5 The Beginning Created in 2015
Aim to encourage more people to be physically active The sports club with the most distance and engagement was rewarded with a cash prize All activity contributed to the 5k goal – whether this was running, cycling or rowing


7 5K a Day – the evaluation Successes:
Promoted the benefits of physical activity to mental health and wellbeing Boosted activity and illustrated how easy it can be to get active Very visible campaign around campus and on social media Opened opportunities for students out with sports clubs to take part Areas for improvement: Struggled to fully engage those out with the Sports Union The distance could have been seen as a barrier whilst for others was not challenging enough Over the 3 years the same clubs would take part

8 The solution – Challenge Yourself
Time for something new! Focusing more on the individual rather than a specific target Targeted approach to engaging students out with the Sports Union A new way of thinking for students – being active can mean something different to everyone.

9 The 3 Strands


11 Lax video

12 A little inspiration We came up with a few ideas to get people started
As part of the She Can, She Will campaign we also put on an evening of UV Sport Varying levels of intensity and difficulty – something for everyone!

13 She Can, She Will UV Sport and Fitness Fest
Made a video that included female role models from our sports teams to get people involved and illustrate that being active is different for everyone Loads of different activities on offer Low costs to ensure it was accessible to all

14 She can, she will

15 What have we learned? Sports Clubs – we had roughly 15 clubs active throughout the whole month, challenging themselves to take part in additional physical activity. Individual – was difficult to engage individuals for the whole month but the campaign allowed people to take part as much or as little as they wished. One really positive outcome was that we had people taking part that were not part of a sports club. Clubs and Societies – difficult to reach but it was the first year they have been identified as a group we should be engaging with

16 Thinking ahead More of a partnership approach with the university sport department Gathering feedback from Clubs and Societies on what would make them more likely to get involved next year Build on the weekly challenges available for students Encouraging creativity with how to challenge yourself

17 We are happy to take any questions via email:

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