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Occupational Therapy Society (OTS)

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Presentation on theme: "Occupational Therapy Society (OTS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Occupational Therapy Society (OTS)
General Meeting #1: February 5, 2019

We aim to inform Texas A&M students and the Bryan/College Station community about the field of Occupational Therapy and opportunities within it.

3 Membership Requirements Secretary: Ragan Henson
Maintain a 2.5 GPA Attend 4 OTS events (meetings, socials, service, etc.) Complete 5 service hours (work, volunteer, shadowing, leadership, etc.) If you cannot attend 4 events, every 2 extra service hours you complete will count for 1 event attendance point. Pay semester dues (cash, check, or marketplace) How do I keep track of my membership points? Check the google doc on the recap or on the website.

4 Semester Dues Treasurer: Kaelyn Marini
Cash, check, or marketplace Google TAMU Marketplace → OTS → Dues Pay your dues TODAY & get a FREE OTS T-SHIRT!

5 Social Events Social Chair: Lacey Wert
Profit Share (Chick-fil-A): THIS WEEK!!! Thursday, February 7th 8PM-11PM Sign-in for 1 point! Game Night: February 28th Play some games, eat some food, & get to know other members!! This is a great way to make friends in OTS. Location: TBD Small Groups

6 Service Events Service Chair: Diya Wazirali
Events to look forward to this semester: Able, Active, & Adaptive Conference: March 1st Promote inclusion, and support of individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities Walk, Speakers, Silent Disco, Presentations, and workshops! Sign up to volunteer: OR just attend the event! Bring friends and families to help support

7 Service Events cont. Service Chair: Diya Wazirali
Events to look forward to this semester: The Big Event: March 30th Down Syndrome Association 7th Annual SUPERGALA OT Appreciation Month: April Baskets for the local Occupational Therapists LAST SEMESTER, we were able to raise enough money to buy & donate headphones to the Brazos Valley Rehab Center!!

8 Web Coordinator: Aneida Valdez
Need shadowing hours? Visit our website at Click on the volunteer tab to find difference service opportunities Follow us! Facebook: Texas A&M OTS Join a small group on GroupMe

9 Fall 2018 Outstanding Member Awards
This award has been created to recognize some of members for their hard work and dedication to serving OTS. The winners of the award for last semester are: OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP is awarded to Hannah Rau OUTSTANDING INVOLVEMENT is awarded to Kayla Kubenka

NOT meant to just be a check-list item you must complete to apply. Clinical observation is the best way for you to determine whether the daily responsibilities & different settings typical of the profession are a good fit for you. EXTRA TIPS: Keep a detailed observation journal. Log your hours (i.e. make an excel spreadsheet). Write a thank you note to whoever you shadowed after completing your observations.

11 Shadowing Etiquette WHAT TO DO: Be on time.
Ask what to wear. (Typically business casual or scrubs. It’s best to ask before you show up in something inappropriate). Be polite when scheduling on the phone or in person. Do not seem impatient or demand an opportunity to volunteer with whomever you are speaking to. WHAT NOT TO DO: DO NOT BE ON YOUR PHONE WHILE SHADOWING. Pay attention. Don’t watch the TV in the corner or look bored. Shadowing is a privilege and you have the opportunity to learn from someone in the field! Do not interrupt the OT while she is speaking with a patient. Wait until after to ask your questions. HIPAA!!! Do not discuss patients with anyone outside of the facility with any type of identifying information. *This means no names in personal statements/interviews!!*

12 CPR Classes FEB. 3, 2PM-7PM MAR. 17, 2PM-7PM APR. 7, 2PM-7PM
MAY 12, 2PM-7PM CPR Certifications are a great way to add a certification to your OTCAS application when applying to OT school. These classes listed above are offered at the tamu rec and cost $75-$80.

Secretary ORGANIZED! Track member points, keep attendance, send reminder/recap s, respond to member questions & keep in close contact with the president. Social Chair CREATIVE! Organize & coordinate profit shares. Brainstorm ideas for social events that society members can enjoy and network with one another. Treasurer RESPONSIBLE! Collect, deposit, & keep record of dues and apparel money. Manage & maintain the online payment system. Meet with the OTS advisor on a regular basis.

Service Chair PASSIONATE! Plans service events in the community each semester for members to attend. Brainstorms ideas to serve and is constantly updating the list of ways members can get involved and volunteer in the BCS area. Web Coordinator WEB SKILLS! Updates the website on a regular basis. Uploads agendas, meeting materials, and new volunteer opportunities to the website. Manages the social media (instagram/facebook) and makes infographics to post on the day of big events.

15 Health Symposium Tuesday, Feb. 26th 10am-2pm MSC
PRE-OT ADVISOR: BRIE GARCIA 209 KOLDUS BUILDING Health Symposium Tuesday, Feb. 26th 10am-2pm MSC

16 GUEST SPEAKER: Ginny Garrison-Tate

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