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IESA Division Meeting
IESA Staff Steve Endsley, Executive Director
Activities: Baseball, Cross Country, Wrestling Nicole Schaefbauer, Associate Executive Director Activities: Speech, Basketball, Chess Julie Cochran, Assistant Executive Director Activities: Golf, Volleyball, Track and Field John Venerable, Assistant Executive Director Activities: Softball, Bowling, Music, Scholastic Bowl, Cheerleading
Attendance Students must attend member schools and may only represent in competition the school they actually attend. Exceptions Tuition students Special Education Feeder schools Home schooled schools Alternative education plans
Non-School Participation
Beginning with the school year, a student- athlete's ability to participate on a school team and a non-school team during the season will be decided by local school policy. The IESA Board of Directors voted in June, 2012 to delete By-law which restricted non-school participation in the same sport during the season. Now, if a local school district decides to restrict non- school participation during the same sport season, any student-athlete from that district who disregards the policy will be in violation of school policy and not an IESA by-law.
Transfers Any student who transfers from one school to another once the school year has started does not become eligible until the student’s 11th day of attendance at the new school provided all other eligibility requirements have been met. Previously, students were eligible immediately upon transferring once all eligibility requirements had been met.
Physicals At the September 2012 Board meeting, the IESA Board of Directors approved that a school must have on file for each student who participates (including practice) a certificate of physical fitness not more than 395 days preceding any participation in any such practice, contest, or activity. This becomes effective immediately for all new physicals. Existing physicals are only approved for 365 days.
Participant Uniforms/Warm-Ups
Player warm-ups may now show commercial advertising. This does not apply to uniforms. Player uniforms must be in compliance with NFHS specifications.
Coaching Education Requirement Volunteer Coaches
Athletic coaches in all member schools must be regularly certified to teach in the schools of Illinois or must complete an approved coaching course. This applies to all athletic coaches- head coach, assistant coach, volunteer coach, pole vault coach, first base coach, etc. Non-athletic coaches are not included in this requirement (cheer, scholastic bowl, speech, music, chess, bowling, golf) High School students High school students may be assigned to assist with the coaching of athletic teams in a member school provided they are under the direct supervision of an individual who is qualified to coach under the provisions of the by-laws. They do not have to take the ASEP course. At no time may high school students assume head coaching duties.
Coaching Education Requirement
To be exempt from taking the education course, the following criteria must be met by athletic coaches certified to teach: Teaching or supervising classroom activity at least two periods daily in a member school; or Employed full-time in any elementary school, junior high, or high school; or An assistant teacher, resource aide, lay supervisor or other paraprofessional who is employed at least half-time per day in a member school; or Teaching full time, within the provisions of the Illinois School Code, in a member school or in a vocational or special education cooperative in which the member school participates; or A retired teacher provided the person remains certified to teach. For those individuals who do not meet the criteria, they must complete an approved coaches education course. The IESA Board of Directors has approved the following courses: IESA/ASEP Coaching Essentials Course IHSA/ASEP Coaching Principles or Coaching Orientation Course IHSA/NFHS Coaching Education The course must be successfully completed prior to the start of the sport season.
Coaching Camps The restriction regarding student participation in camps and clinics during the same sport season was deleted. Participation in these types of events would be regulated by local school policy. Students may also participate in and/or receive private lessons, school physical conditioning programs, and be used for demonstration purposes in coaches’ clinics.
Use of Officials Schools are required to hire licensed officials for all regular season contests. For Track and Field, this is a recommendation. Failure to hire and use licensed officials may result in a financial penalty for the school. First violation for hiring a non-licensed official in baseball, softball, basketball, wrestling, and/or volleyball will result in a warning. With a second violation, the Executive Director will have the full authority to determine and impose a monetary penalty equivalent to the cost of one regional official for that activity. Additionally, schools need to adhere to hiring the required number of licensed officials for each activity as detailed in the By-laws. An Officials Search tool is available on the IESA website by using your school or AD password. Click on the link “Search for Officials” This will allow you to search for sport-specific officials and provide you with their contact information. Schools are encouraged to issue contracts when hiring officials for contests. Contracts are available on the IESA website. Available in a PDF When sending contracts, include information regarding IESA exceptions and requirements.
Submitting Roster & Schedule Information
All roster and schedule information must be submitted online by the posted deadline for the activity. Administrators/AD’s may track the submission progress for each activity through the Activity Tracker. Penalty: 1st Offense- Probation; 2nd Consecutive- Removed from state series or financial penalty Birthdate information must be provided for each participant. All regular season and tournament contests must be included on your schedule information. This includes conference, non-conference, and regular season tournament contests. Do not include “B” contests on your submitted schedule information.
Activity Tracker The Activity Tracker is available by logging in to the IESA Member Center using your school or AD password. This a tool that will allow you to monitor upcoming deadlines or action items in all activities in which your school participates.
Emerging Activities The Association had hoped to offer a boys volleyball state series starting in and a coed soccer state series in A commitment minimum of 40 schools was needed in order to implement each activity by Sept. 1st of this year. The required minimum number of schools was not met for either activity. The IESA Board of Directors will discuss the future course of both activities.
Social Media Information regarding IESA activities, schools, and news will be available via various social media outlets. Facebook: Pinterest: YouTube:
Scholastic Bowl NEW: Changes made to competition room set-up.
Coaches will be seated in the first row with remaining team members on either side. The coaches will be in the middle facing the moderators table. A table can be provided for the coaches if there is enough room. Fans will be seated behind the extra team members’ row. This format was used this past year at the state tournament and helped alleviate some past problems.
Scholastic Bowl Rule Changes General Information
Articles (a/an/the) are not required when giving an answer, however if they are given they must be correct. (5-4-7) For systems that recognize two individuals responding to an answer, the system must be reset by the moderator to allow the other team to respond. (5-1-4note) The answer must be stated within three seconds after the individual has been verbally recognized by the moderator. (5-2-1d2) General Information The Peoria Civic Center will once again be home to the Scholastic Bowl State Tournament on May 3rd, 2013. The tournament will start at 1:00 pm with a team meeting at 12:30. NAQT scores should be included in regular season match results.
Chess The IESA Chess Tournament will be held at a new location this year. ISU’s Bone Student Center will host the tournament this year. Because of the change in venue, the tournament will be held on a different date- March The tournament will return to the end of February in 2014. Tournament Details Entry Fee: $15.00 per student Board Swiss format with 5 boards. In this type of tournament, the coach determines the board order for their players. Each of the board positions becomes a separate individual tournament. Board 1 is more experienced players; Board 5 is for more novice players 7 rounds of play will be conducted and players will participate in all 7 rounds. Individual and team awards will be given.
Chess Change made to tournament entry process.
Schools will still be able to enter 7 students per grade level. A school may list a maximum of one student at each of Boards 1-4 and a maximum of 7 students on Board 5. The total number of competitors entered would be a maximum of 7. A school may choose to not place competitors on certain playing boards. Any boards left open at Boards 1-4 would result in additional openings at Board 5. Changes were also made to the tournament time schedule in an attempt to get students home earlier.
Speech General Information
Students who participate in Speech gain the skills and confidence to communicate more effectively. These are skills that they will be able to readily draw on in their professional careers. General Information IESA Speech contests are held in the fall of each year (Oct./Nov.). Contest is a one-day event. Points of Emphasis Fine Art Recognition Program- Nomination materials are available on the IESA website. Please take time this fall to nominate your speech coach for this award. There is a category for both new and veteran speech coaches. Academic Eligibility- Students participating in contest must be meeting the academic eligibility requirement. Please make sure that your speech participants are included in your grade check. Contest Host Rotation- Information regarding the host rotation for every contest are is available on the IESA website. If you anticipate a problem with your ability to host during your assigned year, please contact the IESA Office in advance.
Music Rule Change General Information
The Music Coop requirement has been eliminated. General Information Contest dates confirmed: March 16, 23, April 6, 13, 2013. Host schools will pick the date for contest. Applications for National Anthem and Pep Band performers due November 5th. Create a disc with your performance and submit it to the IESA Office. Selected schools will be contacted in early December. All submissions must be submitted by an IESA Member school administrator or Band Director.
Bowling State Competition Update:
The State Bowling Tournament will be held at the Town and Country Lanes in Joliet, Illinois on March 22nd and 23rd, The tournament schedule has been adjusted to shorten time between both warm-up and competition rounds. Starting in 2013, all schools will be eligible for team awards. The total cumulative pinfall through the entire tournament will be counted for each school participating in the boys and girls divisions. Team awards will be given to the top three teams in the boys division and the top three teams in the girls division.
Baseball Reminder of the new bat rules---All -3 drop bats must have a BBCOR label. No bat may have the BESR label Coaches—please talk with your players that they cannot try to “bowl” over a fielder. It is an automatic ejection when this occurs.
Cross-Country Reminder to any school that serves as a sectional host that the finish of the race must be at the mouth of the chute and not at the neck of the chute. Still the fastest growing IESA state series event—In 2011, there were 258 schools in the activity. This past year, 276 schools entered. All schools are reminded that individuals may compete in the state series provided the school pays the entry fee for the activity.
Basketball NEW: Change made to the individual limitations
For regular season contests, students will be limited to a maximum of 5 quarters per day. The maximum number of quarters allowed during the regular season for an individual was increased to 110 quarters per season. Quarter limitations did not change for regular season tournaments. Points of Emphasis Posted game times for state series games- regional, sectional, and state- will be the earliest that a game will start. Make sure that your coach and captain(s) participate in the required pre-game conference prior to all contests. Please review the pre-game run-out protocol with your team. Please print-off and distribute the scorekeeper instructions found online for your bench crew. Please notify the IESA Office if a fan, coach, or player ejection occurs at your facility.
Volleyball NEW For regional and sectional play, the court should be set- up and ready for play 45 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the first match. Warm-up Times will now be 2 min. shared, 3 min-home team entire court, 3 min-visiting team entire court, 3 min-home team entire court, and final 3 min-visiting team entire court. When teams are off the court, ball handling is allowed if there is space. If space is limited then teams will be restricted to ball handling behind the end line. Same as IHSA
Volleyball Individual Limitations Points Of Emphasis
No changes have been made to the individual limitations. Students are limited to a max 3 sets per day in regular season contest. For all tournaments (regular and state series) no more than 4 matches per day Penalty- automatic forfeiture of contest at the time the student becomes ineligible and the coach is ineligible to coach for next two interscholastic contests at any level. Points Of Emphasis Removal of any part of the uniform in the playing area is unsporting conduct and will be penalized. [NFHS 4-2-1e] Sportsmanship is important every year. Taunting will not be tolerated. Taunting is any insulting or antagonistic behavior towards the opponent. This includes cheers aimed toward the net. Individual limitations continue to be a problem. Taunting a new problem last year.
Wrestling Continue to seed 8 wrestlers in each weight class, however, only VARSITY records may be used to determine seeding. Each regional will determine the minimum number of varsity matches needed for a wrestler to be seeded. Wrestlers who do not meet the minimum number of varsity matches will always be placed into the bracket by a draw. Example: If 10 varsity matches are needed and there is a wrestler who is but only 2 of those are varsity matches, then that wrestler must be drawn into the bracket while a wrestler at the same weight who has a record of 4-14 but all 18 matches are at the varsity level, may be seeded. Reminder that NFHS rule stipulates there is to be 10 feet of space surrounding the mat. NIU Convocation Center will continue to be the site of the state finals through 2018.
Track and Field NEW Individual Limitations: A student may participate in any 4 events. If the student is listed for two relays, one must be the 4x400m relay. Relay teams may have five students listed and any four of the five runners listed may run at either the sectional or state. The relay will count toward the event total for all 5 athletes. Running events will now begin at 1:15 on Friday of the State Meet. At the sectionals, 100 M Dash and Hurdles rounds of races may be reduced as dictated by number of competitors. New qualifying standards and starting heights posted on the IESA website. 1:15 start – help move field events along further before conflicts begin. Run-up: competitors will take position three meters behind the starting line w/command “on your marks” all competitors will step the the starting line without delay. When steady the starter will fire.
Track and Field Survey – Points of Emphasis
Interest in adding the triple jump to the state series? Interest in alternating the boys and girls running/field events every year at the sectional meet? New state format options will be provided for the membership to vote on. Points of Emphasis For All Meets – coaches and athletes should know the designated restricted areas. Coaching is prohibited in the restricted area and could result in disqualification from the event Sectional Meet - Times and places will be made available to coaches and athletes when results are final. Finish line personnel will not distribute this information. Seed Meeting – all coaches should bring a copy of their roster with any changes that need to be made. Athletes may not participate under a false name. This violation could jeopardize your team’s ability to participate in future contests. Exhibition events should be counted in the event total for an athlete these limitations should be followed for all interscholastic meets. Alternate 2013 girls run boys field 2014 boys field girls run
Track and Field NFHS Rule Reminders and Changes
NEW – Use of the “cartwheel technique” in the shot put is a foul. NEW – Standards for the pole vault may be set to position the crossbar from 18” – a max of 31.5” in the direction of the landing surface. Reminder – “Run-up Start” in the 800 and 1600 will be used. (Competitors will take position 3 meters behind the starting line. With the command “On your marks” all competitors will step to the starting line without delay. When steady the starter shall fire the gun.)
Golf The 2nd annual golf tournament was completed September 8.
53 schools and 133 golfers participated Boys Champion: Thomas Calbi of Barrington Prairie Girls Champion: Madasyn Petterson of Rockford Marshall When entering golfers in the tournament a correct average score is extremely important for assigning tee times. Make sure that parents/coaches know the IESA rules. When playing 18 holes there is no lunch break. Players may eat while continuing to play, but cannot stop. Students must register at the event 1 hour prior to their tee time and be at their tee 10 min prior to their tee time. Remember that registration is in the spring and is based on a first come first serve basis.
Cheer Terms and Conditions UPDATE Additional Trophies to be Awarded
After the Monday of Week 28, Schools must now remain in the division in which they originally entered. Schools that had injuries or ineligibilities to squad members just prior to the state competition had been required to move down a division if the number of squad members did not meet the minimum number needed for the division that they originally entered. The change now requires schools to stay in that same division as of January 7th, so the time schedule that is sent to all schools remains relatively the same. It is NOT permissible to participate in a division with more squad members than the division allows. Additional Trophies to be Awarded When there are 1-9 teams entered in a given division, only a championship trophy will be presented. When there are teams entered in a given division, 1st and 2nd place trophies will be awarded. When there are 20 or more teams entered in a division, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies will be awarded.
Cheer Competition Information:
Saturday, January 19, 2013 at the Civic Center in Peoria. The entry fee is $60.00 for each division. When team awards are announced at the competition, all schools within a given division will be announced in their actual place. Complete results will now be distributed with the team score sheets given to coaches following the conclusion of the competition. This will alleviate the IESA Office sending complete results the Monday following the competition.
Thank You!
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