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Guide to district office

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1 Guide to district office
Ashlyn Simmons Southwest District Counselor Tau Beta Sigma – Life Member of Psi

2 Eligibility to run Active membership status within Tau Beta Sigma
If graduating during the term office, Life Membership application and dues must be submitted to HQ prior to graduation Good standing at the time of elections At least a Sophomore status Minimum GPA of 2.5 Must be actively participating in or serving collegiate band programs during your time as an officer Capability to represent the organization on a professional level Ability to devote necessary time to office Have a heart for service and sisterhood

3 OFFICERS Southwest District President
Supervises all district officers and holds officers accountable to their goals and responsibilities Plans Southwest District Convention along with host chapters Represents the District at District Leadership Conference in the summer and during National Convention (if applicable that year) Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees Serve on the Credentials Committee during District Convention Presides over all district council meetings Corresponds with chapters throughout the district regarding paper work deadlines, upcoming events, etc… Acts as a resource for chapters with questions or concerns regarding Tau Beta Sigma policies Works alongside the Kappa Kappa Psi District President

4 officers Southwest District Vice President of Membership
Serves as a resource for membership related questions regarding Tau Beta Sigma national policies Hazing & Substance Abuse policies Membership Education Processes (MEPs) New Initiate Paperwork Continuing Membership Education Has jurisdiction over all area workshops regarding planning and execution Serves as a co-adviser for the Membership Committee during District Convention In the absence of the District President, the VPM will serve as the representative of the district Has jurisdiction over ritual(s) during district convention Responsible for SWD Honorary Membership awards and paperwork Works alongside the Kappa Kappa Psi Vice President of Membership

5 officers Southwest District Vice President of Special Projects
Maintain a scrapbook of district activities, chapters, and events Will organize and complete one district service project to be completed by the end of district convention Oversee and execute programs as set forth by the Joint Action Committee Serves as an adviser for the Programs Committee at district convention Presides over the New Alto staff members and assists in publicizing and publishing the New Alto Publicize the Focus on Five campaign and assist chapters who are earning their stripes and lyre pieces Act as a resource to chapters completing service projects and social activities Create special projects that benefit chapters around the district (i.e. pen pal systems, resources blogs, district photo contests, etc…) Works alongside the Kappa Kappa Psi District Vice President of Programs

6 officers Southwest District Secretary/Treasurer
Records and publishes minutes from district convention Make amendments to the district constitution as voted on at convention Controls all reimbursements and money within the district Creates a budget for district officers and district events Takes minutes at each district officer meeting Acts as a resource for chapters who may have questions regarding fundraisers Publicizes district financial resources such as convention and workshop assistance Serves as an adviser for the Jurisdiction and Finance Committee at district convention Works alongside the Kappa Kappa Psi District Secretary/Treasurer

7 Officers Information for ALL officers
Must maintain a GPA of at least 2.5 Write one New Alto article for each semester that you hold office You will receive no compensation for your role as an officer However, you will be REIMBURSED for travel expenses such as for workshops, chapter visits, convention travel, etc… You will not receive a vote at district convention The exception being the District President in the case of a tie Serve as a general resource for all chapters and answer questions that may arise If you do not know the answer, the District Counselors and the National Council serve as your supervisors Attend required district events Must be actively participating in or serving collegiate band programs during your time as an officer

8 District Officer packet
the listed documents with the subject line "District Officer Packet - [Your Name Here]” Letter of Intent Professional Resume Tau Beta Sigma Resume Goals for Office/Election Platform Mock Workshop Presentation Outline Letters of Recommendation The candidate's chapter The chapter sponsor(s) A professor of the candidate’s major Academic Transcript with current GPA

9 Information Complete the Google Form
Send your completed District Officer Packet to by March 15, 2019

10 Packet information Title Page (optional)
GET CREATIVE! - Create a cover page that will capture voters’ attention Keep it professional!

11 Packet information Letter of Intent Who are you?
Introduce yourself, your chapter/university, and what office you’re running for Address why you want to run for office Give a brief overview of what you plan to accomplish while in office Address why we should choose YOU over other candidates – what makes you unique/special? Capability to perform as a District Officer Ability to problem solve Strengths Skill at overcoming weaknesses Ability to interact with others Concrete examples demonstrating the above, if appropriate

12 Packet information Professional Resume
Proof of leadership experience and professional capabilities Education Information (University, GPA, major, planned graduation date, etc…) Honors/Achievements (scholarships, recognitions, awards, etc…) University Involvement Community Service/Volunteering Work/Professional History Include dates and list things from most recent to least recent Should not exceed 2 pages Keep content professional and relevant

13 Packet information Sorority Resume
Tell us about your history and experience in Tau Beta Sigma Include information about: Chapter or district committees you’ve served on Chapter offices or chairs held District Involvement What workshops have you attended? Have you visited any chapters? Attended their rituals? List the conventions you’ve attended and whether or not you served as a delegate or proxy National Involvement Attended National Convention? Participated in the Focus on Five campaign?

14 Packet information Goals for Office
List out what you plan to do as an officer What new projects or ideas do you plan to implement? Discuss current projects/ideas that you will continue to uphold/execute When stating what you will do, be sure to include HOW! Everyone wants to “improve communication” but BE SPECIFIC! How will you improve these things? Be as specific as possible! Discuss who you will be working alongside in order to complete these goals To help understand each office and what is expected, do your research Check out the district and national constitutions in regards to what’s expected from each member/officer

15 Mock Workshop Presentation Outline
Create a mock one-hour presentation Identify where you would give this presentation and who your audience members would be (Area Workshops, Chapter Leadership Day, Convention, etc…) Choose the topic for your presentation What are you passionate about? What areas do you have experience in? Outline your talking points for the presentation – what will you be discussing? Summarize any activities you might use during the presentation Maximum one-page outline

16 Example Mock Workshop Presentation Outline

17 Packet information Letters of Recommendation Ask for these ASAP
You should be respectful and give the persons adequate time to complete these letters Letter from your chapter Get their permission to run for office, then have a member of the chapter (preferably the president) write your letter of recommendation Letter from your chapter’s Sponsor Letter from a professor within your field of study Other letters that are NOT required, but nice to include if possible: Letter from your brother chapter (if applicable) Letter from your Director of Bands Letter from additional professors within your field of study Honestly, the “more the merrier” when it comes to letters of recommendation

18 Packet information Academic Transcript
Please send a COMPLETE transcript detailing your college course history and information Should be sent as a separate PDF than your packet Will not be for the district to view, only for the counselors and the nomination committee Can be official or unofficial, as long as it is current and accurate

19 Nominations committee
Bring enough packets for each member of the Nominations Committee (10 committee members, one advisor), and it’s good to have some extra packets on hand Nominations Committee at district convention sets the “Slate” for elections Each candidate will meet with the nominations committee for a brief interview They will ask you questions about your goals for office and your ability to lead the district Usually lasts minutes Professional dress encouraged

20 Nominations committee
It’s understandable if you’re nervous, but be confident. No one knows your packet and your ability to lead better than you. The questions they ask are things that you’ve most likely already addressed in your packet. No one knows the answers better than you! YOU CAN DO IT! Nominations will present the Slate during the last Separate Session on Saturday of Convention. They will place candidates in the officer position where they believe they will best be able to serve the district.

21 elections As we know, Slate is not the final say – the general elections determine which candidates are elected to office Professional dress encouraged You will be give a predetermined time to speak and afterwards, time for questions from the delegation Have a thorough understanding of your goals for office and use these as your talking points Your packet (without your transcript) will be posted online for all chapter members to read prior to election time No one knows YOU better than YOU! Do the best you can and answer with confidence Talk about what you WILL do in office, not what you have done in the past You can briefly highlight an accomplishment or what made you run for office, but generally people want to hear about your plans! What will happen if they elect you?

22 You’re ready! When creating your packet, please reach out to the current district officer They can give you great insight into potential goals for office or improvements that need to be made Create a back-up plan in case you cannot make it to district on time Send packets ahead with a chapter member or with a current district officer Reminder: Complete the Google Form Send your completed District Officer Packet to by March 15, 2019

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